Sunday, May 23, 2021

Sage, honeydew, eating the colors

The sage is blossoming, with flowers like those of antirrhinum, snapdragon. I don't know the botanical name of this flower shape. This plant seems to blossom every other year.

Have you noticed how many herbs and wildflowers are in the blue to purple range? I wonder if it's a default color.

Years ago I read that a good guide to a varied healthy normal food intake is to eat all the colors.  That way you'll eat fruit and veggies, since meats and potatoes are less colorful but can be included. 

I don't like insistence on one way to eat. If it suits you, lovely, just don't be trying to get everyone on your wavelength. This has been a public service announcement.

Don't be like the (then) friend who, about to carve into a ham to cut the small piece I'd chosen on request, waved the ham knife in my face and demanded: dietary or  principle? I felt a little intimidated, as you do with a knife in your face. 

So I try not to put anyone else on the spot. I don't like red meat, but I try not to act as if that's the Chosen Way, nor to get into a discussion of cattle farming practices. I have been getting a bit of pressure on other websites in case you wonder what brought this on. Sometimes friends get a bit carried away.

It occurs to me then that my fun food capers might be read as a message. Noooooo. No food police around here! Anyway I've been meaning to say this for a while, in case anyone wondered. I just invite you to watch the fun.  And I do like seeing a lot of colors on my plate.

I expect there are readers who think what a lot of bother she goes to, before they order takeout. Or well, she never grills a nice piece of meat, she's missing out, poor lady, but I plan on steak tonight. Good! Chacune (most of us are women) a (insert grave accent) son gout (insert circumflex). That saying might have been more trouble than it's worth.

Anyway, there's joy in Butternut Boy's heart, since I tossed out honeydew seeds and rind. And some sweet potato trimmings.

Enough on one sweet potato for two meals

Roast sweet potatoes and a baked egg. A version of egg and chips really. Bunch of fresh thyme. 

The green of the honeydew melon is heart lifting. So beautiful. No need to season.

The rest of the sweet potato will be mashed a bit and included in a mushroom and sweet potato pasty today. Thyme chopped in.

It's as hot as the clappers today, 90s f. Too hot for me to go out. I don't do well with sudden heat. There's a certain irony in my finishing my warm Mitered Squares jacket today, sheltering in a cool house.


  1. We don’t eat much red meat, maybe once a week. We do eat a colourful plate of food usually. Whatever one likes is okay with me.

  2. I was verbally attacked once by Food Police for daring to drink a Diet Coke. Horrors!

    1. Yes, it's not as if you made them do likewise!

  3. Your dishes look so good. You must really enjoy cooking. I've been eating a lot of red and blue lately. Red for watermelon, blue for blueberries. Maybe some white for icecream, then I would be eating a really patriotic diet, I guess.

    1. I sometimes wonder when I'm eating red and green whose national colors am I enjoying!

  4. Turns out that one sweet potato will make three, not teo, meals. Enough stuffing left after today's mushroom, sweet potato, thyme pasty for another.

  5. Not much for meat here either but we do still eat it only in much lesser quantities that previously. I've always preferred veggies over meat anyway so it's certainly no hardship for me. Tonight I discovered the joys of pureed salad - quite tasty if a bit off-putting in appearance!

    1. Needs must at this point if you want salad!

  6. I like what you are saying about no food police! Everyone is an individual with personal tastes. My grown granddaughter is a vegetarian and happy but she doesn't tell others how to eat. I could easily be a vegetarian but my hubby loves meat so I eat it once in awhile. As long as we try to watch our health in what we eat is what's really important.

    We have not had any hot weather yet, just lots and lots of rain. I like not having to use the air conditioning yet since that keeps our bills down!

  7. No food police here, either.
    And I like the idea of all of the colors. Makes sense to me. Your meals are certainly lovely examples of that.

  8. hmmm. never occured to me that there was a statement in your food choices and of course there isn't anymore than there is in the few things I post that I cook. I did noticed that meat was never an item but why would anyone take umbrage about that? some people eat a lot, some eat a little, some eat none. so what? these days at least half and maybe more of our dinners are meatless.

    1. These days it's amazing how much umbrage there is ready to be taken!

  9. Not a huge fan of red meat, I will have fast food burgers because in my mind, they aren't steak.

    1. I think you might be right, not a lot of resemblance to a piece of meat.


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