Sunday, May 16, 2021

Meanwhile back at the ranch

 The honesty seedpods are starting to develop.

And the yellow potatoes are growing, their foliage different from the foliage of white potatoes I've grown.

The chives blossoming. Usually I've cut them to eat before they get the chance.

And no, I didn't throw that melon rind up there. It's in Butternut Boy's territory. 

I saw him yesterday busy on the bench, where he'd taken an armload of canteloupe seeds, and another squirrel was carrying this rind along the fence. One look and a threatening move from BB and the other guy hopped it. Whereupon BB put it up here for himself.

There's a world of action out there.


  1. That's funny, rind on a fence.
    Alas, the silver dollar seeds I had left didn't germinate.

  2. There most certainly is! A lot more going on outside my house than in, I can tell you that.

  3. Nice to take note of the action in your yard. You'd think leaving the rind up there in plain sight wasn't the brightest move.

    1. Butternut Boy's territory. He put it there. I don't think anyone else dare take it. The others only go on the lower fence.

  4. There is a world of action and life out there and I love to watch and enjoy it! Squirrels are fun to watch and Butternut Boy sounds like a busy one.

  5. My thirty year old pot of chives died last year. But not on my watch; I'd sent them off with my sister for safekeeping.

    1. I wonder if she claims its time was up anyway.

  6. Gosh chives in blossom already. That's early isn't it? I have some garlic chives that were doing very well, but then the maintenance man came by with his weed whipper and cut them to the ground. However they are recovering.
    There's a squirrel around here that has no tail, just a tiny stump, poor thing.

  7. I watched a squirrel bury a pecan next to a clump of daylilies and did not dig it back up right away before I walked away. I should have as when I went back to get it, I couldn't find it. now I have to wait til it sprouts and dig it up.


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