Saturday, October 26, 2024

Return of Sandi Toksvig, Friday Knitting Group

 I've been following some great podcasts lately, including this one, podcast and YouTube channel, featuring the great Sandi Toksvig, now promoting a book while running a new play, various broadcast programs, her ongoing activism and more! 

She's brilliant, and funny, a good writer, and a kind person, great combo. She's the one on the right, in case there's anyone who doesn't know her by sight.

Go here and see if you like her too. She now has a Tiktok presence, TikTokTok or something!

I also found this, which involves food cooked on the set and served to the guest, their choice of menu 

I received my new winter coat today, which will replace the one I've had for many years, a gift then. The old one's a DKNY ski jacket, very warm but only hip length, because you don't ski in long coats. But I need more coverage in cold windy weather.

So in with the new

And to Freecycle with the old. I don't need both.

The Friday knitting group was fun, full of news from Rhinebeck -- biggest crowds evah, a bit much  even for the seasoned Rhinebecker in the group. She did manage to shop though

And news from our youngest member, now a Philadelphia homeowner who has been painting, sanding, and doing great exploits in the TWO WEEKS since he closed! The energy of youth. 

Other chat ranged over fuel, furnaces, traffic circles, GPS, wine, yarn, thrift stores, renting equipment,  parking, recycling and more. 

What I love about Ruth and Laura is that now I can separate out and follow the chat when there's more than one stream going. No more blur of sound, with my trusty helpers in place.  Restored to life, as Dickens said, but not about hearing. No more being lost in the chat.

And here's a NJ squirrel staring me down on my own patio and wanting me to go away 

It was a draw, neither conceding a win to the other. 

Happy day everyone, online meeting with friends and cronies Friday night, watching Kamala's Houston rally. It's all go!

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