Thursday, October 10, 2024

Leaves and late harvest

I got back to the stitching today, and having decided Bayeux stitch won't work here, went to long and short stitching for the leaf. Three colors.

And here's what's up at Tatters in their ongoing embroidery workshops

Embroidery supporting people in place of the crops they can't count on. Whole communities are engaged in this art form. Climate change economy.

 In the middle of thinking about all this,  I realized that a forgetmenot we found at Gary's yesterday and he gave me, still needed to be housed.

So I took out the second potato harvest and planted the forgetmenot in its place.

Considering how many times this potato plant was dug up by squirrels, it's amazing it didn't just quit. Two little potatoes are pretty good considering.

Since this forgetmenot found its way yards over in a different garden, I'm hopeful of more of them next year. 

And it was time to finish dealing with the chicken which I've been eating in various forms for a week. Also to cook the shrimp.

I now have a container of chicken breast slices and a pot of cream of chicken soup full of pickings from the simmered carcase. 

Also a bowl of shrimp which will be Boud's Plain Mayo Shrimp for Sandwiches.  No fancy extras. You want the good shrimp salad, you go to Mary's.

Thursday Handsome Son is taking me to a dental appointment late morning, so in case he needs a quick sandwich and soup, once we get home, before he gets on with his day, I have the makings. 

My life lately is all about medical appointments. I'm perfectly well, but all these appointments. I was complaining about this to a retired nurse recently, and she said that's how you stay well, so hush up

About cars, if it's not doors it's cars. Gary got to work on the tire pressure situation. Then our friend across the street, the one with a good tire gauge, joined in and we had Men at Work 

After establishing that neighbor's Florida daughter is as safe as possible considering, they checked and inflated my tires to the right levels, then did a couple of other cars. 

I wheeled the crying grandbaby around. She fell asleep and we were all happy, I because I got to wheel a baby, so long since I did that. When the convo got to serious male car talk I withdrew quietly.

I have to admit to shameless larceny from She Who Seeks, go there for a whole lot more funny ghostly items,  with this very great Gallery of Ghosts


  1. What a wonderful sounding day. Especially pushing around the grandbaby. Debra She Who Seeks is always a great resource for enlightenment, education, and laughs.

    1. It was thrilling to see her calm down and fall asleep. The baby, not Debra. But yes I agree on She Who Seeks.

  2. Dentist for me today too!
    Shrimp salad is always an option here.

    1. We keep moving in an odd kind of parallel.

  3. Replies
    1. Least I could do after swiping your content!

  4. A full and enjoyable day. I haven't wheeled a baby around since my 50 year old son was a baby. You've got food taken care of for awhile.

    1. Yes, about that long for me, too. It was such a treat, especially that she was happy to have me chat with her while she dozed off.
      Food is done for a couple of days. I like this.

  5. Judging by the apparel of the guys, it is still toasty there. We have been getting close to freezing at night, but I think we're in for a warmer spell starting tomorrow.

    1. It was up to 80°f yesterday, think. Definitely short sleeve weather. Cooler at night.

  6. Love the leaf you did. Time with the baby is precious!

    1. She's growing fast, doing new things all the time. Thank you for the nice words about the stitching.

  7. Loving the choice of stitch texture and colours on the leaf. Good of the menfolk to do a 'community' tyre check (or tire check).

    1. Thank you for the nice words about the stitching. I think they bond over that kind of thing, cars,etc.


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