Saturday, October 12, 2024

Friday Knitting Group

 Friday again and amazingly no house nor car issues, so I made it to the group.

 The Friday knitting group was a full house, with knitting, finishing, crocheting amigurumi, and other projects. 

One knitter, with her upcoming trip to Rhinebeck in mind was finishing the ends of a Shetland wool hat, another two creating toys, one working a vest from yarn, and Boud on her everlasting sock for the Knitting Ministry.

Talk ranged over height, counter size, mismatched couples, cars, Rhinebeck, mutual acquaintances, sweater design, alpaca yarn, local thrift stores and how to donate, kneading bread, cold weather, brain function, counting sheep, childbirth at an advanced age, baby care, the Northern lights and who missed them, that would be D and I, and more.

Earlier Friday I'd done some stitching, starting a mottled leaf.  This is an interesting project,  deciding what stitches I'm in the mood for. It's slow and deliberative. 

I also started looking for a taker for my bass recorder, too difficult for my hands now, with a note to a friend in the recorder society. I'm hoping for a good home for it.

Happy day everyone, online chat with friends coming up  Friday evening, also chicken soup and chocolate cherries in the plan.

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