Friday, October 4, 2024

Friday, knitting and thinking

 Busy day, no pictures to show for it, online meetings this morning and evening, well they're political, also fun, why not. We tend to veer  from ground game political reports to skin care and hair styling. The people heavily into the latter are -- men! That's part of the fun for this old lady who cuts her own hair and considers a shower and nail trim perfectly adequate beauty routines.

The knitting group, nothing new to show you, lively like-minded political discussion,  also immigrants, the law, Children of the American Revolution, men at work, genealogy, Postcards to Voters, Indian aunties, and more.

One thing that came up at a recent meeting was a friend asking if I'd voted for Kim for Senate, knowing he's dead to me since his treachery to Biden. Then I had to explain it's a secret ballot, and that was a question I don't answer. Ever. 

There are good reasons why it's secret. I may choose to say who I voted for but that's not a question to ask.  Good thing no-one ever caught me with one of those exit polls. They'd have had a sharp, bullet-pointed lecture on why you don't ask!   It's a matter of civic safety from pressure, and if you know your history you know better. 

I think I'll never lose my fire for civic justice. It's the fruit of being a working class lady from a trades union background, from a beleaguered part of the world. 

One of the best, also fastest meetings I ever had was back in public broadcasting days, when I was in a three way negotiation, national education chief of a large trade union, a university wanting to create a tv course needing union buy in and funding, and me, the broadcaster.  Two hours booked. We met in Philly.

The higher ed people were very nervous about meeting with the union guy, and as soon as he and I met, we knew we could work. It was like dealing with my dad and his union friends. 

We were done, basic agreement set, handshakes,  in 20 minutes,  now let's get some lunch. The higher ed people were swiveling like spectators at a tennis match,  but happy to find it was done, minimum speech making! All very cordial, too.  Business as done by busy people on the clock.  This is not the norm in my experience of the world of academia, different rhythm.

Happy day, everyone!  Tend to your knitting, or not. Did you ever do chicken scratch? 

And, speaking of future planning

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