Monday, October 14, 2024

Recorder to Freecycle

 I found from the friend I contacted about rehoming the recorder,  that the recorder chapter I played with for many years did not survive the pandemic. 

The demographics were against it, too, most members being quite old, and despite our efforts to attract younger people, the group didn't skew young, or even middle aged.

So I'm putting the recorder on Freecycle, because I'm not up for packing and shipping, and contacting the national org would involve a taker probably out of my region.


Here taken apart for carrying. It has a lovely tone, and my hands aren't up for it now. Let's hope for a new home.  I'm still playing the other voices.

Ed note: recorder is set to go to a new home on Monday, to someone eager to play it, already involved in early music. I had to disappoint a few other people, quite a response.

So glad to hear from e that she and kitty Mercy came through Milton. They're tired, low in supplies, but, power finally back, okay and recovering. That means everyone I was worried about is now accounted for. 

I'm now reading 

where the main character is Marcellus  a Giant Pacific  octopus. Thanks for the suggestion, Liz, it's very readable,  especially to this octo fan. I just hope it doesn't have a sad ending. I usually avoid animal characters for that reason, none of those sad horse and dog books, noooo.
I spent most of the afternoon on the deck, pulling out the faded marigold and zinnia foliage. Season officially over. I did bring in coleus cuttings and started them in water.
Then I read Marcellus' story, and hugely enjoyed it. Lovely afternoon until evening and the mosquitoes had a word to say. The wind in the trees is different now the leaves are crisper, a different kind of music.

So mainly me and the chipmunks on the deck, tea and reading.
 Happy day everyone, enjoy whatever's up today.

If you're Canadian, Thanksgiving is up, happy Tday.

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