Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday, lovely Tuesday

Tuesday started at the dermatologist, getting a good report, and having a couple of tiny red things frozen off, all good.

But first I mailed out my Postcards to Voters, and Handsome Son reported doing likewise. Here's the deal

By following their mailing plans, we arrange for each listed voter to receive three postcards at intervals. These are registered voters in swing states and very contested House and Senate races. Mine and HS are for NJ 7th district where we hope to replace the hopeless Tom Kean Jr with the hopeful Sue Altman. Fingers crossed. We done our bit.

Back in time for another great lunch from yesterday, and a bowl of cornstarch pudding for dessert. There will be a third meal from this Chickpea Sheet Pan recipe, which needs a better name. 

Then off to Tuesday knitting group, yay, I made it this week, and met a wonderful new friend, who didn't mind showing her Achievement of the Day. Picture with her permission

Another member showed her how to start crochet, she having a lot of experience making slipcovers and drapes, but no knitting or crochet. She's determined to make a scarf for her grandson.  This is her first shot at a crochet chain, and she's going to continue.

and here's knitted lace from an expert, wearing one of these shawls as she knits another.

Talk ranged over moving, downsizing, Virginia, outliving family and friends, telephone talkers, favorite women doctors, Christmas presents for teachers, football, dislocated joints, soccer, the Knitting Ministry, and more.

Home again to Textiles and Tea, with Vandana Jain,  a force of nature, a painter and weaver who exhibits works created from found objects combined with weaving. She also teaches weaving to students with physical and emotional disabilities, a hugely valuable service.

This is an installation, tape applied directly to the wall

Her partner is a painter, and gave this painting for her to cut up and incorporate into the weaving below

They're collaborating on a show this weekend in Brooklyn, his paintings incorporated into her weavings

She uses looms ranging from a giant Macomber to a little Cricket and a saori loom.  And her found objects are from the streets of Brooklyn around her studio.  She's such an imaginative and flexible artist, and is the only person I know who loves puerh tea. To me it's way too dark and bitter and earthy. But her workaday tea favorite is Irish Breakfast. Just sayin.

In the middle of the session, Gary came over to confer about a poorly plant, which has that ailment I forget the name of, little scale things on the underside, sticky exudate. He's got a spray. I just nodded and agreed. Warned him to keep it away from his other plants.

Happy day, everyone, I hope your Tuesday was as good as this one.


  1. Tuesdays energize you! What a double POW of art, between your knitting/conversation group and the ever-amazing Textiles and Tea.

    Well done on the postcards. And well done on the derma visit.

    Chris from Boise

  2. early (pre)post and early read
    i hope you are successful in getting out the vote

    1. I hope so. Early voting is huge this year, so I'm hopeful.

  3. I'm glad you got a good report, have a new friend and shared some interesting projects. My vote by mail has been received and counted!

    1. Well done on the voting! Takes more than a couple of hurricanes to stop you, and thank you. Florida is in play.

  4. It's been very interesting to learn about these voting postcards. We have nothing like that here.

    1. Neither did we until a few activists got it going. But our voting is not compulsory, so we need to urge people.

  5. Glad you got a good report from the DR. I love the weavings.

  6. Mainly I just want to say that I surely do love that knitted lace. It is so gorgeous.

    1. She's made several of these shawls, so keen on the pattern.

  7. The plant malady is actually called "scale" -- a tiny insect that infests the plants. Several of my orchids have it. I just keep knocking it back with frequent showers and occasionally cleaning the leaves with mildly soapy water. (And rinsing right afterwards!) It never quite goes away, though.

    1. That's pretty much what I suggested. You can't really get the scales off with your thumbnail, though in the past I've tried.

  8. You always have a wide range of conversation at the knitting group. It's always good to have a positive doc visit. VAndana" work is really good. I like it.

    1. The knitting groups are always interesting. I love Vandana's imagination!

  9. Replies
    1. I like it a lot, just makes you look again.

  10. Love it all! I enjoy your varied topics of conversation but Virginia who? (sorry)

  11. I like Vandana's work. Cornstarch pudding doesn't sound delicious but i'm sure it is. Maybe. And that's a glorious shawl. Do postcards work? I'd have thought democrats - no, wait, I misread - they're not registered democrats are they?

    1. It's custard in britspeak. Other countries mean something different so I use that explanatory term. Yes, they're registered Democrats, that's how we can identify them. Postcards absolutely work to get people to the polls. We get thanks for them and for their being handwritten by name. What was the rest of that thought about dems?

  12. Yes, you just have to keep a look out for the sticky on the plants and get rid when it appears, but it always comes back. Feeding to keep plants strong and vigorous seems to help.

  13. Your knitting group has lots of people doing lots of different things. I love how crafters are always happy to help a newbie. Spreading the craft and love


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