Sunday, October 27, 2024

The week caught up to me

Saturday was about being tired enough to fall asleep over reading, darning and sewing.

The sock is becoming more darn than sock

And the pink jacket is getting its rust colored binding 

I've been hearing intermittent squealing noises, wondered if it was hearing aids Ruth and Laura, but found it was Gary using an electric auger to plant his bed of tulips!

As you see, measured out with precision..

Food today was fast, no available energy, lunch roast sweet potato cubes with umami seasoning and olive oil and a fried egg,  strawberries and chocolate cherries for dessert. Supper a tuna melt with mozzarella. 

Speaking of food, Gary brought over some spicy Indian rice dish he'd been given by a neighbor. He hates to hurt their feelings, though he can't get on with spicy food, accepts it, and passes it on to me.  He's more of a chocolate cake person. 

I did a lot of resting, after I watered plants upstairs and down, and noted tiny buds starting on the flowering cactus, obliging little plant.

I did find a happy taker for the jacket, too, so there's that.

That's all, folks. Happy day everyone, rest if necessary or unavoidable.


  1. That poor sock is almost a total rebuild lol
    It’s nice the jacket has found a new home and is still useful

    1. The sock is yarn I spun and knitted, so I value it enough to end up with socks made of patches with small areas of original knitting.
      The jacket was an expensive name brand, very warm and full of pockets skiers know the purpose of, so I'm glad it's moving on.

  2. Hi Boud -- hope all is well. I've missed visiting! You're lucky to have a neighbor who doesn't care for spicy food and is generous! I'll be spotty checking in for a bit as I've returned to chaos, as you'll see on my blog post, but I did so love my visit to your native land!

    1. I hope you got around the north too...that's the best part, though I might be a little biased there! Welcome back.

  3. "He's more of a chocolate cake person" -- hahahahaha, me too. Although I do like a nice biryani every now and then.

    1. He really doesn't go for anything more than salt and pepper, maybe hot dog mustard! But anything chocolate, and he's there.

  4. "tired enough to fall asleep over reading, darning and sewing."

    Did you really fall asleep all three times? Impressive, if so. 😊

    I might like to have that ability for one day.

    1. Yes, literally. Sleeping has never been difficult for me.

  5. It is somehow reassuring to know that even you get tired. It is also good to know that you will take the time to rest when you are.
    Gary does love his tools, doesn't he? A trait he shares with many men I know.

    1. I get tired, yes. Yesterday more than usual, probably the emotional impact of an expensive plumbing emergency.
      Any time a tool can be incorporated into a job! I'm more attracted by the install with no tools approach.

  6. that's me when I try to get in a half hour of reading in before I go to bed, nodding off over my book.

    1. The good thing about the Kindle is that it keeps my place when I nod off and it switches off.

  7. I'm having a day like that too! Gary takes his bulb-planting seriously.

  8. I didn't know such a tool existed. An electric auger to dig holes ...sounds like a wonderful tool to save some time and what can sometimes be back breaking work. It's been years since I last tried to darn a sock. I wasn't very good at it. I must be less hard on socks nowdays, as I hardly ever have one with a hole.

    1. I think it's a device you plug into a drill, very handy. Are you wearing handknits, and do you walk a lot? I do and I think that's why I have to darn.

  9. That tulip planting is SO Gary.

    Sometimes our bodies have just had it, and say REST in no uncertain terms. Glad you didn't argue. That water heater episode was quite an unexpected bit to handle.

    Chris from Boise

    1. Do you feel as if you know him? Because yes, it's so him. I was teasing him that the neighbors would be wondering what all the pink alert flags were about!
      The water heater was just too much. I think the fatigue was mostly reaction to the alarm about it.

  10. I nod off doing these things, too. And then when it's time to go to bed, sometimes as soon as my head hits my pillow, my brain suddenly decides to turn on. It becomes a frustrating cycle for me.

    1. That's annoying. I have a familiar audio book burbling away to sleep by. Nothing new or exciting, just familiar narrative.

  11. I'm listening to a book, What the Dog Saw. Fascinating, but it also lulls me to sleep. I will have to re-re-re listen.

  12. i am glad you are getting needed rest.

  13. I fall to sleep reading too. I'd rather listen. LOL

  14. Oops, I spoke too soon about the coat!


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