Sunday, October 13, 2024

Postcards, walking and other events

The postcards are ready to mail early next week 

And Saturday, beautiful October day, almost hot in the afternoon, I walked to the pond and admired foliage and reflections.

And the random oak leaf tangled in other leaves

On the patio yet more flowers

And yet another bowl o' blooms.

Gary was doing everything everywhere all at once, wanting input on planting a tree and putting pavers around. Then a while later input on color choice for walls, to work with wallpaper and floor already in place. 

It's all a bit somber for my taste, but he loves dark shades.

Then I got to my stitching and finished the mottled leaf 

Mottled leaf sounds like a nightclub Bertie Wooster might go to.

Then, officially reading Tey's The Singing Sands, but in fact sleeping and even dreaming,  I woke to make a nice supper of steamed broccoli with an omelette on top. 

What a life of luxury, to be able to rest when I'm tired, take a walk without extensive planning and preparation, stitch without checking the clock. 

None of these was possible during the nine years of caregiving for dear Handsome Partner. I did it gladly, and now I'm glad of my freedom.

Happy day everyone, check what we take for granted, sometimes we're on velvet and don't realize it. 


  1. You do seem to live a good life and to make the most of your days.

  2. Replies
    1. He gravitates to dark browns and greys. It looks expensive but not very homey to me.

  3. Your stitches are absolutely perfect.
    Yes. Having days of not needing to take care of anyone but ourselves are a peaceful gift.

    1. I don't think I'll ever take for granted being able to just go out, no special arrangements, no watching the time.

  4. I don't understand how some people get bored being retired with nothing to do but what you want when you want. still loving the leaves.

    1. People with inner resources don't get bored, I think. I'm enjoying the leaves.

  5. It's such a beautiful time of year, which always inspires a relaxing walk.
    Living alone is a great luxury - - doing exactly what we want to do. At this time of my life, I wouldn't want it any other way.
    You were a caregiver for nine years. I was my mother's caregiver for four years and have absolutely no regrets.

    1. Yes, you love your quiet solo life. You know how to value it.

  6. Beautiful autumn and flowers. The Mottled Leaf is charming. I’d go there for a drink any time. You make life lovely.

    1. It sounds like a place you and SG might drop into one evening.

  7. Your response to Mary hit home with me. I've had the responsibility of horses for decades. Special arrangements and watching the time, I get that. I have a tendency toward darker colors, but they are mostly accenta. I do like black! You have earned your freedom to do what you want when you want.

    1. Yes, every day is timed when you have animals to care for. No days off, or just taking off because.

  8. You have definitely earned your "me" time. It's amazing how long cosmos stay in bloom. In the past we've had them right up to the first frost. (We didn't plant any this year, and I missed them!)

    1. I love cosmos, so fragile looking and really tough as old boots.

  9. Your embroidered leaves are looking great so far! And you're so right about velvet.

    1. I'm enjoying the leaf stitching. It's a long time since I did anything like this.

  10. You are doing your part for the election, Boud.! We are holding our breath up here.

    1. We all need to do what we can. Encouragement from Canadian friends is welcomed. And happy Thanksgiving!

  11. You do have a busy,but happy life. And why not. Isn’t it exactly what we all want?
    I love how Gary asked for colour combination advice. He’s a man who knows his limitations and isn’t afraid to ask for help. Good on him

    1. Yes, he does ask about things where he knows it's not his strength. Doesn't always take the advice...

  12. I know women who prefer browns, but mostly men.

    1. Yes, it's like a men's smoking room or club room idea.


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