Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Textiles and Tea, and mixed news

Yesterday's Textiles and Tea introduced Dawn Ahlert, a tapestry maker also interested in twining, and taking ideas from traditional Maori twining, an ancient art of the original people of New Zealand. She's into very saturated colors, as you'll see 

There were technical hitches with their transmission, maybe storm activity, so it was a bit hit or miss, however I did get these images to show you.

In other news, the lentils have begun to sprout, thanks to the idea from Apricots on the Nile

So they'll be an addition to the shakshuka I'm planning to make today

And, less happily, I got an email from my investment company to say that they won't honor a large check I wrote last week to pay my credit card. No explanation,  to find out more, call this number.. There's plenty of funds to cover it, and I've used their checks once in a while to cover large bills.  

I need to find out why, and I suspect that their changeovers last year making everyone move their accounts over, which I did pretty simply, might have voided the current checks.  They didn't mention this at the time. 

Anyway meanwhile I have to fix the issue. The good news is that I do have enough in my regular bank account to send a replacement payment, which I've done. Also there's time to get it credited without incurring a late payment charge. But I expect to be charged for the rd check all the same. 

 I feel aggrieved about this, innocent party, poor me. And I won't pursue using  investment checks from now on. I wonder if they still process them at all,  since  I now see the website section explaining them is dated 2021, before the switch. It also gave a non-working email address. I've dmd them on Twitter, not holding my breath about that.

Still pursuing the fridge.  I remember it took a couple of days last time around, to get started. This too shall arrive.

Anyway the puzzle answer is the noise I emitted when I got the email


And then there's the balancing pleasure of stitching and of picking a few flowers

Happy day everyone,  I hope metaphorical flowers balance your squawk experiences.


  1. SQUAWK! I did squawk when I read the solution but I used a different word.

  2. Be careful! Make sure that email is legit before you do anything. It's likely on the up and up but best to phone them directly to be sure. Sez I, who has been dealing with all sorts of messages from UPS telling me that my parcel is going to be returned if I don't act immediately. parcels on the way so it's a scam. Top that off with being awakened at dark thirty this morning by a telemarketer. Argh!

    1. The email was on the secure email section of my account with my investment house. So yes, it's them. And I've noticed on looking for the last couple of days that the check wasn't being processed. In any case, the money wasn't for them! It was a withdrawal to pay a bill unrelated to them. So no fears on that account.

  3. I love that you have the cousins of my zinnias in your house. Little bits of cheer for us all.
    What a hassle and a pain that whole check situation is. Ugh. It should not have to be so hard.

  4. Sigh. What a pain to be caught under bureaucratic wheels.

    1. After a good lunch of shakshuka, I feel a bit more cheerful.

  5. Not what you wanted to see but at least you have the money to pay the bill. I really like those colors the weaver uses.

    1. Yes, it's not a desperate situation, more annoying really.

  6. we have a large amount in a money market account and used to use the checks they provided for big purchases but now just transfer from that account to the checking account via an app on the phone. of course both accounts are at the same bank.

    1. I like to keep my eggs in more than one basket where I can. Hence separated investments from the banking function.

  7. Sorry you have to deal with the glitch. Bank change overs can be a mess.
    Enjoy the nice weather.

    1. Financial enterprises complicate even simple operations. About the weather -- I can't go out in this heat. So I'm occupied indoors.

  8. That sounds frustrating about the checks. Glad you had money in the other account to cover it. Will you end up taking all that first bit of money to a new place?

    1. I think I'll leave my investments alone. The check writing is only y fringe thing, really.

  9. It’s all about getting rid of checks, and cash and doing everything online now.
    Frustrating as all for us.
    I’d definitely be ringing them and demanding they forfeit the charges. You should not have to pay any Especially as you have the funds.
    I love the beautiful pieces you have shown us. I can’t weave so I’ll stick to the mosaic crochet. To me it has always looked like it’s woven rather than crochet. That’s what drew me to it in the first place

  10. It's not the investment company that might charge me. It's the credit card company the check was made out to. They presented it, it bounced, they don't care if the funds are there, they didn't get paid. If they charge me, I'll try to push, but it's really not their problem. Oh well. They'll still be paid on time so I hope that works for me.

  11. It is infuriating to try to communicate with a bank these days. I’d rather have a tooth pulled than have to call the bank. Thing is, I’d lose a tooth and still not get in touch with the bank. Good luck with the cheque.

    1. Most businesses now don't even accept phone calls. Their number routes you to the website.

  12. Checks are rarely used here anymore. I can't remember the last time I even had a cheque book. It's all internet which is fine for some but a lot of older people don't have it and banks are not known for being helpful. Squawk indeed!!

    1. I keep a check book because local tradesmen, chimney sweeps, plumbers, handy men, won't use cards. My credit card is the only account I settle with a check.

  13. Was that grey plain weave cape lined with the green that was turned back for front facings and arm opening bindings?

    1. I think she said she lined it with commercial lining fabric.


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