Sunday, July 16, 2023

Grandpups and Czechs rule!

 Yesterday Gary had a sudden call to help yet another relative urgently, so Billy the Pup, still needing care and attention after her spay, came chez Boud for a while. 

Officially "half an hour tops" I know how these things go, and it was nearer three hours, fine by both of us. Various other things happened, as they do around Gary.

She wambled about all over the house,  helped me with my tuna salad, tiny taste, and her first try at homemade yogurt, teaspoonful, before falling asleep in mid wamble and being guided into the bed she'd brought, where she snoozed peacefully for quite a while. I checked her chest was going up and down, as you do, because she's so small, her breathing's almost undetectable.

And here's a few pictures. 

You can guess which picture was related to her exciting introduction to yogurt. It's a wonderful food for animals, and I never had one who didn't like it. Especially important if anyone, human or animal, is on antibiotics. It keeps the gut balanced. She just liked the taste!

So we had a lovely time, she dozing, checking every now and then that I was still there, I finishing this airy fluffy work

And starting this, which arrived just as Billy did

 Yesterday saw a great women's Wimbledon win for a Czech woman, Vondrousova, unseeded, even, so I dashed off congratulations to my Czech cleaning family, who reminded me she's the third Czech woman to do it. 

They're keen sports fans, very proud of the Czech tennis tradition, daughter herself a high school champion track athlete.

So,  nice day of unscheduled events. Happy day everyone, I hope your day has puppiness of some kind.


  1. Oh, that first photo of Billy the Pup is so adorable! And yes, what a great and unexpected Wimbledon upset!

    1. U caught a few minutes of play. She was unbeatable. Anyone could have lost to her.

  2. You charmed Billy by the look and sound of it. He is a cutie!

  3. You are the perfect neighbor when pup sitting is needed. That is one cutie pie of a puppy.

    1. She's lovely. This morning I'm missing her.

  4. Lovely little pup- Elizabethan and elegant and has such a healthy pink tongue. sorry for her surgery but it is done, and no pups for her which is a better plan!.All dogs love yogurt I do believe- so good for them, too.

    1. Yes, best for her. Trust me, one Billy is enough around the house!

  5. Billy around must have set a pleasant atmosphere to enjoy as an auntie. Adorable puppy.

  6. what a sweet puppy. nice of her to come visit.

    1. She has a standing invitation. Or a jumping, barking, licking invitation!

  7. A day at grandmas. They will always get spoilt there lol
    Those plastic collars are so heavy and Trixie was so little that I ended up buying a quilted one for her. She couldn’t even lift her head!
    Hopefully soon it will come off and your cutie will be free to run and play again

    1. Gary's planning on switching her to a bodysuit as soon as the vet agrees.

  8. Oh yes yogurt is so good for dogs. What a cutie and seems very well behaved.

    1. She was still groggy from the anesthesia! Normally much more active.

  9. What a lovely way to spend a few hours. How old is Billy now?

  10. That wasn’t a well-played final, at least not on Ons part. The men’s, however, was excellent and dramatic.

    You’ve made me hungry for breakfast. Lately (after antibiotics), I have often had yogurt with my cereal instead of milk. Along with granola and blueberries, it’s a pretty good alternative.

    1. High time some younger men got a look in at the slams. Nowadays I scarcely know who's playing outside of the big names. And I notice the official Wimbledon picture of the girls final just couldn't bear to center this year's winner. No, they put up last year's white winner side by side. They're getting a massive storm well deserved, simply racist.

      Just as the Booker literature prize couldn't bear to let Evaristo be sole winner, no, they forced a dual prize with an ancient white writer. I'm so ashamed of my country of origin. At least my adopted country tries to admit and remedy our racism.

      Okay, done for now.

  11. Replies
    1. Back to something that doesn't get my dander up! Chickens, yes.

  12. I'll have to try yogurt for Lizzie. Wonder how it works with cats!

    1. It's excellent for cats. I've given it regularly to all mine, and they love it. Great for the digestion if they're on antibiotics especially. It avoids diarrhea. Likewise for dogs and humans.

  13. Granddog sitting - what could be better. Not every dog gets homemade yogurt to taste test so a special treat while she recovers.

    1. That picture has now gone round Billy's family!


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