Saturday, July 29, 2023

Robe reveal, arpilleras, Suits and hot enough

 Today this is where we are in weather terms

The red bit where you see Trenton, is where I'm typing from. One more day and we hope for better temps.

In good news, I've located and ordered the fridge I wanted, delivery expected early. August. This is from the other suppliers I've used. They'll take away the old fridge, and were happy to hear this is a ground floor delivery.

And the robe is almost ready to wear. I need to add the pockets and belt loops and inside ties, but here's where we are. It's so soft, very comfortable. 

And Tatters, wonderful textile teaching group, is offering a class on constructing Chilean arpilleras in October in New York, well worth your attention if you're local enough.

Arpillera means burlap or buckram, the sturdy base fabric on which this form of textile art is done.

This form follows on the ancient women's tradition of subversive communication via textiles under repressive regimes, in this case that of Pinochet. 

A lot of the early creators were survivors of the disappeared ,  spent much time in government offices trying desperately to trace their men, husbands and sons, who had been disappeared by the regime. It became a form of samizdat, underground messaging,  as well as a record of the daily life of the people under Pinochet.

And since I don't have Netflix, and I'm interested in seeing what's the excitement about the revival of Suits, I'm borrowing it in DVD from the library. It's old enough to be on DVD!

Happy day everyone, whatever the weather.


  1. sorry to see you are having the same temps as me. I hope it's temporary for you. no change for us for the next two weeks so says the forecast. and the robe...well done you.

    1. We're hoping the weather cools to the 80s. I can handle that. Thank you on the robe.

  2. I just checked our weather. I don't think we're as hot as you are but close and we're under and excessive heat watch.
    Your robe is perfect. What a beautiful job you did on it! Such a genius idea to use a sheet.
    I wonder how many different sorts of women's textile arts have been used as secret communication channels and for how many eons.

    1. It's a very old women's messaging form. I shouldn't be surprised if it goes back to Neolithic times.
      Thank you on the robe. I'm pleased with it. It pretty much came out as hoped.

  3. The robe is lovely! And yay for a new fridge (and them taking the old one away too).

    1. It's part of the deal when an appliance is being replaced in a townhouse development. No other option for the homeowner. They know the sale is contingent on it. I'm pleased with the robe.

  4. Beautiful job on the robe, Boud.

    1. Thank you. It's timely. Right now I need it!

  5. Good news on the refrigerator! I'm impressed by what you did with the sheet, very good. I don't have Netflix and I also didn't know Suits id being revived.

    1. I've never seen suits, but I keep hearing about the rerun, massive watching numbers, so DVD is good. If I like it, there are quite a few seasons.

  6. it is noon here, 66 degrees with a whisper of a breeze- Midsummer PNW! Robe is a great choice fro everyday all day wear! Comfy, breezy, loosen the belt all the way!

    1. The robe is very welcome now. My other bathrobes are a bit too warm.

  7. I'm not a bathrobe kind of person...tees and undies for running around the apartment, since nobody can see me. But yours is coming along nicely! Pockets is a great idea. So happy to hear you've worked out a good refrigerator choice with delivery and take away. What are those other folks thinking?

    1. My townhouse is so open -- ground floor picture window onto patio with low fence, kitchen window on the street, and my neighbors casual about dropping in, so it pays to be in s bathrobe. Also I need pockets, and this is a good way to have them.

  8. It’s getting mighty hot for you. Make sure to keep well hydrated.
    Even though the cold is bothersome. At least I can use one of my many blankets to keep warm. But hot is terrible. Once your down to your underwear. That’s pretty much it! And no one wants to see me in my underwear 😂
    The robe looks lovely on you. Very comfortable.
    Glad your getting your new refrigerator. Can’t wait to see it

    1. Ues, I'm being careful the heat, outside a short time in the early morning, Very limited bit of gardening. Thank you for your concern, though.

  9. Lovely robe, amazing how well it fits.
    I watched one episode of the original Suits.

  10. Coolish day here. I hope you get some relief soon.

  11. The robe looks very cool and elegant. As does the model!

  12. The arpilleras sound interesting. It's amazing how people make trauma into art, over and over. Human nature, I guess, a way of processing.

    Isn't "Suits" the show that Meghan Markle was on? I don't think I've ever seen it.

    1. The April leads were also a means of passing on information in the absence of a free press.
      Yes, that's the Meghan markle series. Netflix seizing the day.

    2. Arpilleras. I corrected this twice. Then after I hit post it wronged it back again, arrghgh.

  13. That looks like a very comfortable robe, Liz. And thanks for telling about arpilleras. Something new to me.

  14. The robe turned out very well. It looks comfortable, practical, and attractive. Good job!

  15. Dickens had records being made in knitting during French revolution but we never thought about it being part of a wider (and longer) tradition of coded records and messages.

    1. Stitching has long been a subversive activity.

  16. Oh my - that is hot! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm moderating and replying to them all now ... had guests but I'm glad to say many names familiar to me have responded, which I am very happy about.

    1. Not a problem. A lot of comments go into spam lately so I've taken to alerting about the possibility that my valuable words might need rescuing.

  17. The robe is great! That looks terrific. YOu're right about the heat but you have it worse than us. The weather is going nuts these days!

  18. Your new robe looks so cool and comfortable. I think I'd be tempted to keep it on all day when it's that hot.
    Hope you like Suits - Resident Chef and I binge watched the entire thing on Netflix.

    1. I'm really enjoying Suits. Each evening I watch a couple of episodes.


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