Monday, July 10, 2023

Afternoon tea, skirt finale and muffin things

The recent comment about afternoon tea and tiny sandwiches reminds me of a series of teas I gave a few years ago. Everything homemade, tiny egg salad and chicken sandwiches, little fancy cakes, homemade jam for homemade bread, pot of tea, choice of milk or lemon, the works. Great fun to prepare, and friends loved the event.

One person at a time, because I can't cater to more, not enough dishes. Also I've experienced having two guests who've chatted to each other while treating me as a waitress, no, not the caterer! Very few people, likewise cats, can handle a group of three comfortably. Two's nice for conversation, and my friends are usually up for that.

Anyway, some people were uncertain what to expect, so I explained it's an actual afternoon meal, usually women like it best, so they came prepared to enjoy, and we had a lovely afternoon. 

Others not so much, such as the lady who said of course I'm familiar with it, I've been to Harrods! I had no idea what that meant, found later it's a shop in London where tourists get an afternoon tea, lovely posh food. Si i concluded she knew what to expect.

This lady said she couldn't come to me because of the cats, even in another room. I understood it was a phobia, and she offered to reverse the idea and invite me to afternoon tea at her house close by. She would do it all. I asked was she sure, it was quite a bit of prep, and she insisted she was.

So I showed up as invited. No food nor prep in evidence. Finally she produced a small glass of iced tea each. Total. We did have a lovely chat though.  As they say in my native Yorkshire, nowt so funny as folks!

The pandemic put a hold on my tea party adventures, and unfortunately, several prospective guests have died in the meantime, how annoying of them. But it was lovely while it lasted.

I'm wondering what new adventures I'm up for. At a bit of a crossroads. Meanwhile you'll be happy to know the yellow skirt now has pockets so its positively final reveal is here.

and currently on the Freecycle site is this offering, for animal use, maybe fosters or rescue

I needed to use up some milk that soured, reminding me I will have to replace my 35 year old fridge soon. So this is the result

Cranberry walnut muffins, suitable for all occasions. I used to use olive oil in this recipe and recently tried avocado oil, with very light results. So that's now my choice. Makes me look like a good baker.

Happy day, everyone! It's a good policy to ask questions if you're not sure,  especially if it's a meal or is it..


  1. I'm sure that preparing those teas was a lot of work. But what a sweet thing to do. No pun intended, of course.
    Now the lady with the iced tea- well. She may have been to Harrods but obviously she learned nothing there. I just googled "tea at Harrods" and they do have what look to be lovely tea rooms. I suppose she never visited THOSE!
    I was invited once to a fancy tea at a woman's house and she had obviously labored long and hard to create a beautiful spread but somehow, I felt uncomfortable. Like- she was so anxious that everything be just perfect that no one could really enjoy themselves. A little strange.
    Your skirt is darling!

    1. Oh, the anxious hostess! Yes, guests really like it if you don't show the work. To me it wasn't fancy, just like Sunday afternoon tea when your aunties came. Maybe that's the difference.
      I think everyone will be happy when I stop blathering on about skirts. Except I do have a new idea for another..

  2. that was certainly rude of your guests when you had two. and how funny the lady that knew how to do a tea. covid did rearrange our lives seemingly permanently. the skirt looks nice though were it me the patch pockets would be more toward the sides than right in front.

    1. The pockets are placed where they're right for me though. Your build is different.
      I was annoyed about the iced tea debacle at the time, but later thought it was funny.

  3. Pockets are an essential. I wish I were closer. I would love to come to afternoon tea!

  4. How very English of you. I love it. I hope you will be able to resume this delight.

    1. We'll see if I still have any candidates!

  5. Love the skirt! Very becoming on you, too.
    I would wonder if the lady who served iced tea was from the South. Here in Texas, that's mostly what we think of when we hear the word "tea". In a tall glass, or even a Mason jar! Still. I knew that a "tea party" for the British involved fancy china tea cups, hot tea from a teapot on the table, etc. Fun how that "tea" tradition is so much a part of shows like "Miss Marple", "Midsomer Murders"! Honestly, though, they don't go into much detail about the food that accompanies the tea.

    1. She was from Brooklyn! Afternoon tea food ranges over a lot of possibilities. Sometimes it includes trifle, too. Practically anything sweet and buttery will do it. I used to do scones, forgot to say.

  6. Afternoon tea as a meal finally sank in. A struggle, though because what I see in film always looks like a bakery fell from heaven the sandwiches and such look so good. But to serve only ice tea!? Duh on her.
    Skirt looks good

  7. She may have decided she didn't want to put any effort into it. She could at least served cookies. Amazing that you made this skirt all hand stitched, it is very nice on you.

    1. I hand stitch everything. Machining is such a nuisance, that I gave away my sewing machine years ago.

  8. Dear oh dear, that lady's "Harrods tea" -- yikes!

    1. I wonder if she was staking her claim to independence from British tea!

  9. Oh harrods hight tea. How posh!
    Too expensive for my tastes. Although as part of the tour we had high tea At Kensington palace right by the sunkin garden where the statue of princess Dianna was unveiled by her sons not so long ago.
    Now that felt very posh indeed. And I even got to experience it with my new friends. How lovely is that

  10. I was so involved i the tea stories I forgot what I intended to say. I think your skirt is lovely and the pockets so useful. One of my dinner companions keeps a tissue stuffed up her sleeve and I often think it's a shame she has no pockets.

    1. Yes, they're vital. Women's clothes are very deficient in them, either none or tiny little decorative things.

  11. Oh a proper afternoon tea is a thing of sheer delight.
    The skirt is looking lovely.

    1. Yes, and afternoon tea is its name. It doesn't mean just a cup of tea in the afternoon! I sometimes literally have that and jokingly call it afternoon tea. Now I wonder if people unfamiliar with the tradition don't realize it's a joke.

  12. Ha! Funny story about the tea. I wonder if your hostess forgot she'd invited you and just had to make do! I've never been a fan of afternoon tea, myself. I always come away feeling full of liquid and sugar. It's not a great feeling.

    The skirt turned out well! And I am VERY impressed you're still using the same fridge after 35 years!

    1. Afternoon tea is a ladies thing, I think. I don't really know any men who like it. Yes, liquid and sugar is about it.

      The fridge is still teetering along. I doubt if its successor will do likewise. I have been pretty fortunate with appliances. The other big ones are the second in 35 years, not bad. The stove over at the condo is the original, installed by the builders in the 80s, along with the fridge I replaced last week.

  13. Afternoon tea evidently means many different things. 'Come for coffee' here can mean either coffee or tea, generally accompanied by a nibble of some sort. Afternoon tea, at least to me, means tiny little sandwiches, little cookies, and tea biscuits with jam. Cream if it's really posh.


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