Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy fourth! Skirts, puzzles, and parties

A happy Fourth to those who celebrate, Good Tuesday to most of the world except the southern hemisphere where I guess it's Wednesday.

Speaking as a proud immigrant whose family came to New York State before the civil war, I had to get here under my own steam, I remember that "land of the free, home of the brave" is a goal, not a statement of fact. It's aspirational, a work in progress, sometimes progressing, sometimes staggering back. Hope springs eternal! Enjoy the day.

Yesterday in the middle of reading The Two Mrs. Abbotts, 

I was overcome by the need to sew. Sooooo, I went for the piece of batik that's been playing a portiere awaiting orders for clothes.

And whipped off a skirt length

Which I had the best time happily making up. One back seam, selvedges, easy, no need for more than one row of back stitch, then a casing at the waist to thread in elastic.I made a back vent, because this is a slim cut. 

And today I need to finish the hem, and I'll wear it for the Fourth. There will be patch pockets,  which may get done today. 

And there's still a portiere

The beauty of a simple Fourth, where my job is to put the oven on and find plates for the pizza and dishes for the ice cream I'm providing, is that I have the day free to do other things.

Ages since I made myself something to wear, but yesterday was hot

So I wore that yellow skirt you saw me make last year. I found two things, one that I liked it enough that I needed at least one more skirt, and two,  that my weight loss since last year means I have to adjust the waist, which now wanders down a bit. Also I found enough scrap matching fabric to finally make the pockets for this skirt, too. Yay. Ellen would be proud of me!

I do love hand sewing, peaceful, very pleasing, and definitely as sturdy as machine stitching if you know what you're doing.

I finished the puzzle, which had an extra piece after it was complete, just the back of a piece, probably a factory slip, which was packed along with the complete pieces. Took it back and the library lady was amused at the notion of a spare part.

And here's the latest. 

Note that I am promoted to 750 pieces. We'll see how this goes.

Last evening Gary came over with these brand new unused items, terry towel one side fabric the other, could I use or rehome them, or should he toss them. So they're here. 

What the heck are they? beach towels? Bath sheets? Knowledgeable blogistas, please advise.

Happy day everyone, Fourth or fourth. 


  1. No idea what those whatevers are but I'll be curious to find out. I'm sure someone knows.
    Good for you on the skirt!
    Enjoy your pizza and ice cream today. We don't do anything special for the 4th. Glen is cleaning fish, I believe I will can some beans.
    Last night a neighbor set off fireworks for at least an hour. I was not well pleased.

    1. Barbara's comment got in before my response, who knows why, but you're both welcome.

  2. Great skirt! I wish I could hand sew still, but my hands have other ideas (shakes and cramps when trying to use tools). I have several skirts I'd love to adjust to the size I am now. Printed terry is a strange fabric.

    1. It's double, one layer cotton fabric, one layer terry cloth. I hear your wishing you could still sew. That's hard, when your hands won't cooperate.

  3. Canning beans? Quite a change..

  4. What a great way to put it -- "a goal, not a statement of fact." I love the open-endedness of that, the idea that America is always in the process of becoming. (Even when it seems to be sliding backwards!)

    I love your batik fabric, and I am mystified by those terrycloth things. Furniture polishing cloths?

    1. It's a pair, each big enough to wrap a person. Apparently for the bathroom or something.

  5. You look so good! I like the skirt. Enjoy your pizza and Ice cream.

  6. I must steal that first image and post it on FB.

  7. Gary's fabric looks like the makings of a bathrobe - who cares what they were before (or were intended to be then)? They look cosy....Xxx Mr T

    1. They're not my taste, and I need to have a descriptor in order to put them on Freecycle. Still hoping someone will supply us!

  8. Happy 4th, Boud. The skirt is lovely!

    1. Thank you. The day was lovely, though I was cranky, dunno why. And I enjoyed wearing the skirt.

  9. I like the skirt. It drapes as well on you as on the curtain!

  10. They reminds me of crib blankets and baby towels. Both are only a certain size about a yard squarish.
    Love the skirt. It looks comfortable.
    I agree with you on hand sewing.

    1. They're bath sheets, I think, very big.

  11. Clever you. A very pretty skirt indeed.
    Hand sewing is very calming. I love sewing the bindings on my quilts by hand to give them a nice finish

    1. The skirt works nicely. I'm interested in noting sll the agreement about hand sewing.

  12. I don't think the arthritis in my thumb joints would allow me to do much hand sewing so I'm thankful for my sewing machine. pretty batik fabric nicely n in a skirt. and yes I am proud of you.

    1. I agree that the machine has to be there if your hands aren't up to it. I thought of you as I stitched!

  13. Late to the party! I hope yours was happy.

  14. I sure like that first Meme! I had to quit hand sewing due to Arthritis, but I used to enjoy creating Fabric Art so much.

    1. Sorry you had to stop sewing. Maybe you still use a machine?

  15. Love that jigsaw, and a Miss Buncle! I must look for that one.

  16. I rather envy your ability to make clothing that actually fits (and yes, I know that comes from a lot of experience). I'd like to think I could make clothes but then I remember my dismal previous attempts and remember my limitations. I am ever hopeful that a couple nice long dresses will fall my way but alas they're not in style at the moment.
    Looks like another fun-to-do puzzle.

    1. Making to fit is helped by being small and fairly slim, no dangerous curves! But I've been making clothes, for dolls then later for family and me, for eighty, count them, years! Some with a machine but a lot by hand sewing.

  17. That leafy fabric is so pretty, and the "leftover" portière is just the right length, say Moxie and Della :)

    1. Yes, my long training by cats influenced the portiere!


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