Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Robe in progress, via reading, and future food

One of my knitting buds says she thinks about future knitting while doing current knitting. I find that reading a quiet work such as this

means that another part of my thinking is busy designing the Next Thing. So after a while I found I was drawing out the plan for my sheet robe, 

then laying it out on the spare bed, only available biggish surface. 

And cutting, and trying on.

This is a twin size flat sheet. And the sleeves end in selvage, the hem already hemmed. This saves a bit of stitching. 

Also there's a big chunk of fabric left for facings, belt and pockets.

It's pinned together wrong sides together, because I'm doing French seams. 

I used a favorite robe to figure out sleeve size and how to cut the front neckline. I'll cut the center front, then attach facings, after I've stitched the side and sleeve seams, easier to manage for hand work.

So I have  Celia's House to thank for this progress.

And yesterday Madhur Jaffrey  showed up,

for future great cooking ideas along with a lot of information about India and all the cultures there. 

In other news, I texted the appliance store to order another fridge like the one I got for the condo, to replace my own, 35 years old and showing its age.  I've been postponing this for years but it's time.

Happy day, everyone, I already, early this morning had Gary over asking for an id of insects, worried about Billy, would she be stung. 

I doubt it, they look related to dragonflies uninterested in biting people or animals anyway, but he's unconvinced. 

So let's worry about the sting when it gets here, hm?


  1. You waste no time ... or little.

    1. I do like to make stuff. All kinds of stuff.

  2. Exciting to get a new fridge! You certainly got your money's worth out of your current one!

    1. It's the original one the builders installed. I don't rush into these things.

  3. you are so industrious and I am such a slug which really is not me. I've always been up and doing things but have zero motivation right now.

    1. The heat is probably doing that. Also the political climate can have an impact.

  4. Wow, this is quick! The book was an inspiration. You're sure you are mot rushing into buying that refrigerator? 😉

    1. I might be a bit hasty, because the fridge is still working. More or less.

  5. You really don't want to wait until your refrigerator stops working to get another. I know you have a lot of things in your freezer that are going to be parts of future meals.
    That robe is going to be perfect for summer. So light and soft. What a great idea!
    That pup is Gary's baby.

  6. The chest freezer is the food one. The fridge freezer has bits of other items for adding in to soup etc. It can all be emptied into the chest freezer. That part is ok. But now I've decided, I'm eager for them to get back to me and get it under way.

  7. Look at that! I was just about to charity-shop-bag An Invitation to Indian Cookery by Madhur Jaffrey! Of course before it got to the bag I flicked through it and decided to reprieve it. And that new robe! You are both ingenious and hard-working. You would have made a good settler.

    1. I think this is my inner pioneer at work.

  8. Ohhhh, new fridge. Very cool. Will you share pictures?

    1. You won't be able to escape!

    2. Love that. I love pictures of fridges. I take the inside of mine after she's all cleaned and filled with new goodies.

  9. Great idea with the sheets. You never fail to amaze me, Boud.

    1. They're lovely to handstitch, unlike new sheets, because they've been washed soft. The top sheets get much less wear than the fitted ones, so that's what I'm using. It helps that I'm small so a single size sheet is plenty.

  10. You are so talented and creative. I am loving the robe.
    Gary is a worried dad, isn't he?

    1. I'd say he is. He's constantly amazed at the stuff I get up to, too. As in NOW what are you making?

  11. A new fridge will be a joy, even a basic model. So different from 30 years ago.

    1. It will be a change not to have to lean on the door to be sure it's shut. Or drain out the condensation collecting daily in the plastic egg box I put against the inside back wall.

  12. I think about future craft work while finishing current projects.
    I think it’s nice to have plans lol

  13. Better to replace the fridge before it actually gives up and you lose good food. New fridge and new robe - good for you!
    And I guess I'm one that thinks about future projects while doing the current one. Actually I probably think about two or three projects down the road.

    1. The robe is very timely -- another heatwave this week.


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