Friday, July 28, 2023

Misfits, the robe's progress and a new Haggard Hawks puzzle

Yesterday's misfits box was the smallest show on earth, partly because they couldn't supply the yogurt, but generally because I was already supplied.

The cannellini beans are rapidly becoming a staple, and some of these are for upcoming African doughnuts, if I can find the recipe again. I noted it safely somewhere.

The hot weather has put a crimp in my out of house activity, but the robe is coming along. One great thing about using a sheet is that you can organize it to make max use of the selvages and hems. 

Here the sleeves end in selvages, the hem is already hemmed. It saves a good amount of stitching and looks good too.

I cut out the belt, facings and pockets and still have remnants. 

Working this way is like cutting your own hair, you can do a bit at a time, no law other than commercial pattern commands, say you have to cut out all the pieces at once. 

I've been cutting my hair for decades, and it doesn't look any worse than when I was paying hairdressers, who mostly have no clue about cutting anything other than straight hair, and only know the latest style which you'll get no matter what you say! 

At the point at which they started cutting my hair into  ghastly old lady bridge player styles because I was old, I quit and started doing it myself. Handsome Partner said not only did it look fine, there was a lot less crying!

The thing is that they have to cut all your hair in one appointment. If you do it yourself, you can just tend to the bits that grow fastest. That works much better if your hair goes into shock after cutting,  which mine does, sticking out hopelessly for days, however skilled and expensive the hairdresser.

Anyway, same applies to cutting out fabric. I cut as needed, just in time style,whatever bit I fancy working on next.  It saves losing parts, too, if you cut and use as you go. 

So yesterday, I made the belt, in two parts, to make it easier to turn inside out. I turned each half right side out and I'll stitch the parts together. The ends are already hemmed, just need overcasting.

Then pressed it, with the seam down the middle, you do know that trick? Much better finish than seam down one side. 

Same applies to knitting when there's a seam, say on a scarf. Or making velvet painted scarves. You press then finish the ends to secure the seam in place.

Today I'll attach the facings, straight pieces down the front, more engineered ones round the curve of the back neck. After that just belt loops, ties for inside, and Bobby's your auntie.

And I roasted a little chicken yesterday, to have great cold food available in the heat.

 Slices off that,  with green salad and carrot sticks, sun tea and an apple, made a great supper.

And since it's Friday or some such excuse, here's a new Haggard Hawks for your annoyance, I mean pleasure.

Happy day, everyone, and please be in touch or  thought with dear blogger E, who has had to say goodbye to beloved kitty friend and companion Lukas.

Photo AC 


  1. "Smallest show on earth," LOL! And I promise not to SQUAWK about today's puzzle, because I've already got two possible solutions for it!

    1. When we get to that point, we need to hear both of them!

  2. I have Sue cut my hair, such as it is. I can't stand to pay the going rate for my sparse pate.

    Good to see that photo again.

    1. Your photo has worked eloquently several times.

  3. Yes. I feel so bad for our blog friend who had to say good bye to her Lukas.
    I can't wait to see the finished robe! It's going to be so perfect for summer.

    1. The weather is cooperating with the robe -- hot enough to wear it, also to keep me indoors to make it.
      E did a wonderful job keeping Lukas happy and comfortable in his last days.

  4. Thank you for the heads up. I didn't know about Lukas. You are getting that robe done in record time!

    1. I think e would like to hear from you.
      The design of the robe eliminates quite a bit of work, clever me!

  5. I am still in a state of lethargy. every morning I tell myself that today I am going to draw or something and every day I don't. been here before. it'll pass. meanwhile I just see what you are up to.

  6. We are losing some of the humidity on Sunday, I wish the same for you, Boud.

  7. Good idea to cut as needed. What a relief it feels to think about not getting all that tissue out and cutting a pattern at once.

    Cutting my hair since 5th grade, has been a savings for sure. My hand to eye coordination is pretty good from doing that. Now, I let it grow out, ties and clips city for me. I look like a hag with it down, but that's okay because I'm old enough to embrace my inner hagness.

    1. Inner hagness!! Sounds like a Scandinavian saga!

  8. I did not know about the trick with the seam. I’ll try to remember it in the future.
    I used to cut my fringe, bangs, myself. And visit a hairdresser once a year to trim off the dead ends. Now I’m growing it out I’ll stick to the annual visit. I do not like hairdressers. I’ve been traumatised too many times

    1. I think hairdressers ought to be let loose on the people at my investment company'. That would teach all of them!

  9. The robe is coming along very well. The chicken looks delicious. I cut my own hair during Covid but that was basically using hubby's clippers. I might have an answer to the puzzle but I shall have to check somewhere else first.

  10. It would be interesting if you provided us with a photograph of what you consider.. ‘ ghastly old lady bridge player styles’…then we’d be able to see what you don’t like.

    1. I think it's best left in the landfill of history.

  11. That chicken looks really good! Roasted perfectly.

    Sheets are a sewer's gold mine. Especially with fabric by the yard so expensive these days.

    1. Free sheets even better! It feels so virtuous to be recycling, too.

  12. Comments to the rescue! Had no idea about the puzzle; then, I was led to the answer. Fun!

    1. It always pays to read the comments. This group is great at funny clues.

  13. I finally found a hairdresser I like, and he's closing his business, or at least has sold the building. But I have another appointment in 5 weeks for a trim of this very short cut that I like. Hope he keeps working in between his trips (he's just back from the Azores with wife.) Oh I received a nice batik style caftan which is slit up the sides so very comfortable even though floor length, and tho the neckline is a bit low, I just pinned it up a cool to wear these days. Just a length of cloth sewing up both sides and a neckline put in with facings. If I had a machine still I might make one. Your robe sounds very neat.

    1. That caftan sounds just the thing for hot weather.

  14. Your roasted chicken reminds me of one a friend brought to me early in my surgery recovery. At the time I thought, "Why do I not roast whole chickens?!?" Your picture inspires me to go buy a bird and do that.

    1. I've given up on buying parts. These are small organic whole chickens with a lot of meat on them. Roast once, eat for a while!

  15. Oh yes, the old lady hair cuts that seem to be the norm once you reach a certain age. I would tell my hairdresser I wanted something different and more modern and she would always, without fail, give me the OL cut. At least since covid hit I've been getting my hair cut for free - one of Resident Chef's many talents.

    1. Nice to have an in house stylist. I bet he does a better job than the expensive cutters, too.


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