Sunday, October 2, 2022

Kindle, meet dust, Misfits box

Misfits box yesterday and you see my dining plans for the near future.  

Pasta to accompany sauce made with these accidental gardening cherry tomatoes, collecting in the freezer as they ripen

Fresh dates to be inserted into wholewheat pita for breakfasts, Granny Smith apples and dried cranberries for a crumble 

Yesterday I made a chicken broth using all the recent chicken bones I'd been freezing as I used them, handful of the parsley you see on the counter, usual suspects, carrot, onions, handful of basil, and sage, simmered all evening in water saved from steaming spinach and collard greens. 

Today I'm going to skim the broth for chicken noodle soup except it's leftover spaghetti, cut down.

Things are less rosy on the electronic side 

my ancient Kindle having finally given up. This is after charging all night. It's been failing for a while, not surprising.

 This is one of the very first, long since off the market and I can't seem to find the battery to replace. I suspect it's also gone, since all the replacements I've found are for later models. 

I'm not willing to spend money and find after all the work of prying apart and disconnecting the old one, that the new battery isn't the answer.  

I'm aware that I'm opening this backwards, since you're supposed to remove the face plate and work down from there, removing 376 tiny screws as you go.  It's so difficult to lift the face plate without the dedicated plastic prybar that I was hoping to bypass the usual path just to read the numbers on the old battery before shopping. 

I have now put into my Amazon (I know, but they're the only source) cart for consideration a refurbished newer Kindle.  

But with my income and savings shrinking, Brit pension paid in cratering pounds sterling, mutual funds also cratering, and my expenses rising, I'm very reluctant to buy anything right now. 

Meanwhile back in the jungle paradise, the parrot is starting to emerge

Happy day everyone, chicken soup will save us all

Photo AC 


  1. Kindle for the loss; chicken soup for the win.

  2. Those cratering pounds are really messing up lives. Sorry to see it affecting you too. We hope you find a suitably reconditioned Kindle.

  3. I have an old Kindle I don't use. I can charge it and see if it still works. If it does, it's yours if you want it.

    It's good to be in soup weather.

  4. Sandra thank you!! That would be great if it works out. My email is lxxadams at Yahoo dotcom.

    The reason the Kindle works for me is that it's a steady non-refreshing screen. Reading ebooks online means a refreshing screen which gives me an ocular migraine in a few minutes.

  5. RIP Kindle. I would be lost without mine. It would be great if Sandra's old kindle would work out for you!

  6. I hate thinking of you without your Kindle. That is a quality of life issue for you.
    Your soup sounds delicious. Waste not, want not- enjoy!

  7. Sorry about your Kindle. Some of those old devices just aren't made to be serviced. "Planned Obsolescence," right? I hope Sandra's offer works out for you!

  8. Sorry you have fading into the sunset device. Is their a thrift store with a tech section where you might find a battery?

  9. I pretty much read all my books on Kindle now so I can increase the font size. But I don't use a special Kindle reading device. I just have the Kindle app on my desktop computer and on my phone.

  10. Sure hope Sandra's Kindle powers up! What a kind offer!

    Belated White Rabbits from tis neck of the woods. I echo "how can it be October already!!??!!"

    Chris from Boise

  11. Debra, I can't do what you do, because of ocular migraine issues. That's why the Kindle device is important for me. Yes, I'm hoping Sandra's Kindle is up for this pressure!!

  12. I am on to my third Kindle. Like you, the screen is the main reason. And the fact that I can carry around dozens of books! I hope Sandra can fix your problem. Otherwise, dwindling currencies notwithstanding, I would be checking out that Amazon cart. Reading is too important and you need to do it comfortably.

  13. I am thinking very hard of the proper kindle coming to you.

  14. Are real books not practical for you? I hope Sandra's kindle is already on its way. We are lost without our reading.

  15. Liz, I do read paper books, but that involves a longish round trip to the library,then back to return them. And fonts are often too small for comfort. Also books can be heavy in aged gnarly hands! Often Kindle is the answer especially in heavy weather.

  16. Had to embiggen the photo to see what on earth 'Odds and Ends' were.
    I never have managed to get myself to like books on devices and still prefer the old fashioned type of books. Having said that, some of them ARE hard to hold. Have contemplated making a weighted holder for those but hard to get the pages to stay open.

  17. Odds and Ends is a Misfits line of nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Here it's dried cranberries. The last one you saw was raw almonds.

  18. I am a newcomer to your blog, Boud, and stopped in after seeing a comment on AC’s recently. I enjoy meeting new blog friends and after clicking on your name happily learned you live in NJ, my home state (and my husband’s) which we recently visited😀

    Reading on a Kindle is what I enjoy too, and also as reading library books, but the Kindle is preferred for bedtime reading and travel.

    My husband has an older Kindle, possibly even an original, which has been sitting on a shelf. After reading your post, I suggested to him that we check if it still charges and then send to you if it does. Then, I also in read the comments that Sandra was offering one if it charged up.

    In the event that hers did not work, please let me know by way of the email address on our blog. We will let you know if the one we have successfully charged and, if so, can send it to you.


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