Thursday, September 22, 2022


 Just to give her the respect of her own post

I now survive John, Kevin, Vincent, Joan, Irene, Joseph, Rita and Gerard.

RIP all.


  1. Sounds like your sister made a good life for herself in Toronto and Cannington.

  2. If I had read that obituary, not knowing her relationship to you, I would have thought, "She sounds very much like our Liz."
    What a family you have had!
    How are you?

  3. I'm doing ok, Mary. Feeling very tired, not surprising I guess.

  4. She did, Debra, despite many challenges. Not easy to be a single working woman in her era.

  5. Your sister was ahead of her time. Take care,

  6. She sounds like a wonderful woman...I am again so sorry for your loss and sending virtual hugs.

  7. You sister made a good life for herself! Thinking of you!

  8. It's hard being the last one standing. I am so grateful I still have my sister, and she is ten years younger than I am. Take care.

  9. Very nice tribute to Irene. I know she enjoyed her years in her fairytale house in Cannington. It was a perfect setting for her - in town, and yet very private, situated mere feet from the little river that runs through the town. There was lots of wildlife to keep her amused and she enjoyed her flower gardens. She always treated herself to a little bottle of champagne for special occasions.


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