Monday, September 19, 2022

A few thoughts

Thank you everyone who texted and emailed and commented about Irene's death.  It's strange to be writing this, now that it's happened. When you see someone pass ninety, then ninety two, at which point she said she was just going a day at a time, it seems as if it shouldn't be a shock. Yet it is.

I'm now the last of my generation of nine children. 

She lived alone and independent in her own house right up to  last week, another indomitable lifelong single woman like several of my friends who preferred the single  life, in their  homes, in their own way.  

As one of our mutual friends said yesterday: she was her own person. That's quite a tribute.


  1. Yes. That is indeed quite a tribute.

  2. I'm going to have to back up, haven't had time to read blogs for a few days. I gather Irene was your older sister. My condolences. That's the way I want my life.

  3. That's all any of us could hope for, really -- to be our authentic selves.

  4. So sorry to hear of Irene's death. Expected or not, as you say, it is still a shock. Take care.

  5. To be your own person - that's the best.


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