Saturday, September 10, 2022

Crowns large and small

Yesterday I got The Crown Part One, very undramatic, thanks to a good dentist and an excellent assistant. Dentistry is complicated for me owing to the occasional laryngeal spasm. 

It's like getting cramp in your airway. It's dangerous, scary, and I avoid triggers. So having equipment and water spraying about my mouth, water hitting my throat being a prime trigger for me, I'm always grateful for expert dentists. It's also why swimming is not a source of joy! 

So that was wonderful, to have it done and only needing the permanent crown in a couple of weeks, much simpler process.

Speaking of crowns, all the talk around yesterday about people who hadn't known any other Queen than Elizabeth II, reminded me that my mom's life was bracketed by queens. 

Born in 1895, she was old enough to read out the newspaper account of Queen Victoria's death to her mother. So she lived through Edward VII, Edward VIII and the abdication -- always was on the side of Edward, thought Prime Minister Baldwin a bitter old man-- then George VI and in to Elizabeth .

She also saw many changes and inventions, from newspaper accounts of events, often days after they'd happened, all the way to live television.  

She remembered newspaper accounts if Bleriot's famous first biplane flight across the Channel, daringly flying over water! And she admired Amy Johnson, pioneer flyer,  whom she always called Amy Mollison, that being her maiden name, under which she first became famous. 

This weekend's viewing, calm, peaceful is

I've probably seen it but a second evening with Mma Ramotswe is fine.

Yesterday's gardening consisted of yanking out the cherry tomato plant which was starting to fail, the nights being too cool for further ripening. 

This is one plant, amazingly productive. I have a couple of hundred tomatoes ripening on the windowsill and on plates.

And you see the spent eggshell I found under it, probably a mourning dove 

The departure of the tomato plant leaves breathing room for the butterfly bush which is going to be spectacular

Happy gardener here. And next year I'll plant tomatoes again now that I know they can grow in that unlikely shady damp spot. Unless the butterfly bush has completely taken over.

Happy day everyone, lovely spell of weather, very typical of this time in September, sunshine, low humidity, cool nights, everyone very cheerful. 

Ukraine has retaken some of their own territory. Slava Ukraini! 


  1. I've been reading that series of books but got hung up on the next one as the library says they have it but can't find it. I may have to skip that one and just continue on.

  2. I'm so glad that your dental work went okay. Sitting in that chair is challenging for many.
    That was a champion tomato plant! Did better than any of mine.
    Your mother certainly saw a lot of amazing things, didn't she? My grandfather too- he got to see one of the first cars and eventually, the moon landing.

  3. AC I notice that Charles got heralds and trumpets and massed bands and crowds for his crown. I got a bill. Oh well.

  4. September weather is often lovely here too. The humidity is gone.

    Glad the crown was easier than you anticipated.

  5. Yes, the crown is done and that is good.

  6. Wow. I imagine you mum would of had some wonderful stories to tell
    Your growing season is coming to an end and ours is just beginning. Hopefully it will be a good one.

  7. Thanks for coming in, Angela. It's interesting to watch the opposite seasons passing.

  8. My listing of sovereigns my mom had seen omitted a George, oops. George V was in there somewhere.

  9. What an amazing time your mother lived through.

    I love Precious!

  10. Liz, between us my mom and I span three centuries. It's what comes of being the youngest child of the youngest child.

  11. I live in fear of such major dental work so I was relieved to hear that the first major hurtle is over for you. Hopefully the process is easier as it goes along.
    I don't imagine your Mom, as she was living through all the changes, realized that she was witnessing history. Although I realize that quite likely many of the facts were changed in the making, one of my favourite movies is 'The King's Speech'.


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