Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Textiles and Tea, rain interlude

Yesterday's Textiles and Tea was about woven shibori, a process of translating the Japanese shibori dyeing technique into woven form. It took her several years, and she wrote a book.

Shibori is the process I've shown you here in the past, where you stitch and draw together fabric into tight pleats before dyeing, to form a resist and create design.

Seen here, manual approach on the right, resulting design left

The rain let up for a while, so I seized the chance to walk.

These flowers, does anyone know what they are? are the descendants of some seeds I found in the sidewalk years ago, fallen from a neighbor's stand of flowers, collected and gave to Gary because I had no room.

And here's a vehicle ready to be towed away

I wonder if the owner lives here

And here's nature and nurture coinciding, with planted gaillardia and wild feverfew (?) evidently cohabiting at the dumpster.

Happy day everyone, live peacefully and long together! I'm trying not to get too depressed by current legal rulings, and a new crop of deaths among my friends, all in a couple of days. I suppose at my age it's likely, but still not so easy.


  1. All looks well at your house! Pretty flowers though I suspect it would be a lot noisy sitting in that chair when the AC kicks on!

  2. That shibori is certainly beautiful and clearly a lot of work wither traditional or woven. I think I rather prefer to simply blue and white in the end however.

  3. I'm not sure about your mystery flowers. Snapdragons? Penstemon?

  4. Definitely not snapdragon, I'd have known them. Not familiar with penstemon other than as a clue in Foyle's War, where Sam points out that a person posing as a gardener isn't one because he wrongly identified a flower as penstemon!

  5. Your neighbourhood always has something different to see.

  6. My plant app says "Garden Balsam", a species of Jewelweed (impatiens).
    I thought the leaves resembled my impatiens.

  7. Thank you Mary! The relationship with impatiens and jewel weed might account for the prolific seeding and flowering.

    Marie, yes, always something! My neighbors are interesting.

  8. You have some interesting neighbors. :) I'm sorry for the loss of your friends. The legal stuff is infuriating.

  9. So sorry about the passing of friends. It's always difficult but wrapping yourself up in good memories is the best thing to do.
    Glad that someone was able to identify the mystery flower - it's pretty, no matter what it is.
    Love the car!!


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