Saturday, May 14, 2022

Fishcakes, Maisie Dobbs and the Sock Ministry

Today was all rain with intervals of more rain. I used the last of the cod for fishcakes, the homemade kind with a lot of fish, not too much filler. 

Enough for two meals.

Served with a tomato salad and garlic scapes. No need for fancy sauces, just fish mashed with potatoes, an egg to bind it.  I do like fishcakes.

And the weather lent itself to reading and knitting, 

A Dangerous Place, a Maisie Dobbs novel by Jacqueline Winspear. I've read it before but it can stand a second reading. Set in Gibraltar and Spain during the Spanish civil war, at the time of Guernica. It's wonderfully written.

And knitting -- today I finished knitting and pressing the last sock of Pair Twelve of the Sock Ministry.  This last pair is the spiral design you've seen before but reversed, using the other side as the "right" side. It's pretty much reversible socks.

So I'll send off the package on Monday. I did send an email alerting them to socks incoming.

Then I'll get to a bit of stitching. 

Since I seem to be on a Hopkins Thompson thing, I'm picking up the DVD of Howard's End tomorrow. 

Keep dry! If you marched for human rights, thank you. If you donated to Ukraine, thank you.

Photo by AC


  1. I made something last week that I've never made before- tuna cakes! I had some very good albacore tuna in the can and made them up just like I'd make crab cakes. I air-fried them and we ate them in buns as a sandwich. They were delicious.
    A good way to stretch a can of tuna even without too much filling. Some onions, celery, both chopped fine, a few breadcrumbs, and egg, a little bit of seasoning.
    They would be good on their own without the buns.
    Your socks are never-endingly fine.

  2. I've done tuna cakes, too. I just like eating fishcake like food. Salmon, too. Or mashed chickpeas.

  3. I love Howard's End, but I've never seen the movie.

  4. We always use watered salt cod for fish cakes. So good. We don’t have them often but they are such a treat when we do.

  5. Tuscan chicken sandwiches here for supper along with coleslaw with a pineapple drizzle. From a food trucks naturally. 😀

  6. I've never read the novel of "Howards End" nor have I seen the Merchant-Ivory film. But I did watch the recent BBC series starring Hayley Atwell and Matthew MacFadyen. I found its attitudes about women outdated and quite frankly irritating, although I'm sure they were considered quite daring and liberal probably when Forster originally wrote the book.

  7. I enjoyed both book and film. and I love those socks!

  8. I'm not a Forster fan, but I'm counting on Thompson and Hopkins to make the movie work. I've always thought Forster succeeded largely on his social standing and contacts in publishing. It was the era of the public schoolboys in the gentleman's world of publishing, promoting their friends' work. And favorably reviewing them in the gentleman's world of the prestigious papers and review mags. His writing itself is pretty minor.

    Every time I finish a pair of socks I plan on a break, then find myself picking out the colors for the next pair!

    AC you must live in a bigger place than I. No food trucks in driving distance, otherwise it might be fun.

  9. Your fishcakes have me wanting to make some salmon cakes. They're so easy, but somehow I never get around to making them. Maybe this next week. :)

  10. Becki, one new thing? I find if I put something like that on the calendar it's easier to do it.

  11. I loved "Howard's End" -- excellent book and movie. "Only connect!"

  12. The fish cakes sound good and simple, right up my alley. You've got a regular sock factory going on there.

  13. Have you got a recipe for your fishcakes???

  14. I love the Jacqueline Winspear novels and Simon Brett too. And fishcakes, and pasties. I think I should move in with you.

  15. Liz, that would be two Lizzes under one roof. We'd need George to keep the peace.

    E, it's not really a recipe, just cooked fish mashed with potato flakes and an egg, the fish already seasoned from the first cooking with Old Bay.

    Roll in panko, fry with a bit of olive oil on top of the stove. I think you'd like it. The reason it's so good is that the fish was excellent to start with.


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