Tuesday, April 12, 2022


The cleaners were here so I spent the morning out, walking, and visiting the local  library, not the one I go to for the knitting group, that's one town away. It's open for more than quick visits now, and I found the Youth Art Month exhibit still up in the gallery.

These were the works of middle school students, and I was impressed all over again. What great teaching they get, and there's a lot of talent.

Then I sat in the main area, knitting and reading, where a few other people, widely spaced, were reading and working online. It was one of the best mornings, being safely among people, sociable but distanced. 

I ran into a library staffer I hadn't seen in years and had a great chat.  I like the situation of being alone but in company, with human activity that doesn't demand my participation. 

And when I was leaving I got a great greeting from a lovely big retriever, maybe a flat coat, judging from his friendly temperament. He just made me feel like an important part of his day, too. Maybe that's the secret of dogs and their humans, come to think of it.

Then home to a clean, well lighted place, oops I'm quoting. And I may have come across a paper project to get into, in the intervals of knitting for the Sock Ministry,

 more tomorrow about that. Just need a change of materials for a break.

Prayers for the suffering of Ukraine.


  1. Yes, aren't libraries great and invaluable public spaces? Some of my happiest times have been in libraries.

  2. What a great place to hang out! Brilliant!

  3. I like our library. It's where I get all the books I read.

  4. A wonderful display of talent. Our library does similar things occasionally.

  5. I think I can understand the charm of being out but not in the thick of things.

  6. Wonderful day
    It is nice being out and about around people can feel safe.

  7. A library is one of the treasures in the community!

  8. That's one long sock. A knee sock?

    The art exhibition is excellent.

  9. Thanks for all the photos of the artworks!

  10. Joanne, it's mid calf length. Most of the socks I make are that length.

    Glad you enjoyed the art works. I'm always impressed with the student work.

  11. I don't know what we'd do without our library. I shudder to think how much all the books we read would cost. Don't know if your library does this, but ours has started giving patrons a printed copy of their checkouts and it includes how much the books cost. Sometimes I stagger home with over $200 worth.
    The art was a delight to see. Some very good artists there.


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