Saturday, April 30, 2022

Saturday, Tunisian bag, deck done

Greeting Saturday with the painting of that name by Brynhild Parker

Yesterday's Misfits arrived, modest box, trying to economize

But still eating well.  That odds and ends bag is raw almonds, a staple around here.

And yesterday, Mike the contractor came to finish replacing the walkway so I have an operative deck again, in case the weather ever gets warm enough to go out.

To the right of the gate is a new open place where the walkway used to be, fine for a couple of containers, probably herbs, next to the sage you see there. Mike left with a branch of curry leaves and a section of sage. He's a great cook, so he's got plans for both.

When he does a job involving large screws and nails, he makes a box to hold them as he works, and leaves it for the customer. Here's mine

Today is about making butternut and carrot soup, the weather still being soup friendly.

And, before we move on from Tunisian crochet, here's a Tunisian crochet bag I made ages ago, lined with a scrap of black silk, closed with Dorset buttons. 

The strap is regular double crochet. The yarn was the rest of the multiple short lengths you saw before in the gloves.  Time to get it out again, for Spring.

Hoping Spring will return to Ukraine, too.

Happy day everyone!


  1. Excellent job on the new walkway and what a great box gift for his customers.

  2. I like the painting at the top and the Tunisian crochet. The buttons especially.

    The deck is looking great!

  3. Catching up, I noticed some posts back that more work was needed the retrofit your deck to the new fence. It looks like Mike did a great job, and I'm glad you're done with all that. And a nice box left behind also! That's a sweet little tunisian crocheted bag - and artsy too, of course. :)

  4. I love that Mike leaves a box for his customers.Yous Misfits' bad comes with healthy and fresh looking food, what a great thing to have in your area. I would have to drive to town, to Salvation Army food give away. With the way prices are these days, I think I will soon start to do that.

  5. Wow - Mike did a great job! Love the Tunisian bag with its buttons.

  6. Inger, misfits delivers nationwide. It's largely organic food at reduced prices, and ships by FedEx. It's excellent quality, cheaper than non organic food locally. You might want to investigate it.

    Steve, the Dorset buttons are small artworks. I've made them for vests and other clothes that need interesting buttons. Medieval origin, from the horns of Dorset sheep. Mine are curtain rings though.

    As a London resident with interest in the city, you might like to check out the paintings of other members of ELG, the East London Group, painting local scenes in the thirties, to honor them and preserve the images. You might know some of the scenes.

  7. Nice job finishing the deck! And I like that Tunisian crochet bag, especially the Dorset buttons -- very cool!

  8. What a creative and kind idea Mike had for his boxes! I love that!
    Once again you have educated me on something I had never heard of. In this case- Dorset buttons. How very pretty they are!
    I hope you get some deck weather soon.

  9. I keep forgetting that readers here might not have been readers in my art blog Art, the Beautiful Metaphor, where I wrote about doing Dorset buttons. I like doing them a lot. It's a kind of circular weaving.

  10. The deck looks great! He does very good work. I love the bag you made. I once had one that looked similar but it was woven. I am so ready for spring if only it was ready for us!

  11. Mike and I are old friends in art as well as his being a contractor. He built my deck, replacing my previous one, and improving on it, so he knew exactly how to detach the section the fence company wanted moved. Then he knew just how to replace it, adjusting to the new fence. He's done lovely work throughout this neighborhood.

    I'm ready for weather to rock my purse!

  12. That extension of your deck to the fence is just lovely. Mike is an artisan.

  13. Great work on the deck. I hope your weather improves soon. We’re having snow again this weekend.

  14. He did a fabulous job, and so nice to leave a great box.

  15. He seems very proficient. We are having some very nice days. I will enjoy and not bother to check the forecast.

  16. Your deck area is lovely, hopefully it will warm up enough to enjoy it. I like the bag, very pretty. I order from Misfits, I will get mine tomorrow.

  17. Nice looking patio with the new fence and all. And, how cool is it that the contractor makes a misc box and leaves it too!

  18. Mike sounds like another great neighbour to have. Not only does he do great work but timely too. And to give his customers with a wonderful wooden box is a great touch. I assume yours will be turned into a planter.


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