Monday, April 25, 2022


For blogistas in NZ and Oz, here's the annual tribute to the brave young men, teenagers really, who crossed the planet to fight in the Dardanelles, a disastrous WW1 campaign, costing many precious lives. Where you are, it's already Tuesday, but here it's still ANZAC Day.

And here's the info for people not familiar with the Dardanelles  World War 1 military engagement. Devised and ordered by the First Lord of the Admiralty, a well connected and incompetent person who insisted that the Turks could be defeated by this move, and WW1 thereby won. 

He  was removed and demoted after the total failure, the Ottoman empire emerging victorious, after inflicting terrible losses on the allies.  Winston Churchill.

Meanwhile, prayers for Ukraine

Gratitude for a competent US President.

And the Sock Ministry continues, praying by doing.

Happy Monday, everyone.


  1. You have done lots of socks this year, Boud. What a wonderful ministry!

  2. How I wish that we lived in a world where no heroes were needed to risk and give their lives in wars in order to serve.
    I dreamed of your socks last night- a blue pair, tidily still in the process of being knit on their three needles.

  3. So sad. Will we every stop sending our young to die?

  4. I didn't know this and, yes, it's so sad with these wars. My fields have turned blue and yellow with spring flowers and I thought of the flags of both Sweden and Ukraine. They share the same colors. I, of course, think they are the most beautiful flag colors of them all. The colors of sky and sun.

  5. Inger I hope you'll post pictures of the fields. Yes, Sweden has the same flag colors. I'd forgotten that.

  6. It is startlingly nice to hear someone giving our president a degree of approval. He is the man for the job or he would not have it. He is the man for the time. He is a seasoned, somewhat wise leader who does not rush in where fools dare not tread. I believe he does the best he can, and his advisors are capable enough. No leader is perfect. Not all leaders are competent. A great leader surrounds himself with people who are knowledgeable, able to regroup when things don't work, are able to tell the leader when he is or might be wrong . . . I'm thankful for a wise, experienced leader. I pray for him often. I also try to imagine what I would do in his shoes. Then I give thanks that I am not.

    I appreciate you making me think.

    Be well.
    P. S. I am a Texan who prays for the ignorant, mean spirited man in the wheelchair who cannot govern himself but wants to govern everyone else.

  7. How nice to read praise for our president. I thought I was the only one.

  8. And the band played Waltzing Matilda

  9. Thank you for your annual ANZAC acknowledgment Liz. Loving your socks along with everyone else.

  10. You're welcome, Marrianne. I hope your life is going well now.

  11. All good Liz all things considered. Will send you an e-mail once home from work.

  12. I find it interesting that 'our' Remembrance Day is Nov 11th and 'theirs' is now. It's like Mother's Day being at different times throughout the world. Not the same of course, but interesting that the days are so different.


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