Friday, April 8, 2022

History made, twice

 Yesterday was a great day for history and finally something right happening. I shed a few happy tears. Just look

And, coming all the way down to the everyday of my little corner, the stove or whatever it's called, is still working, no knowing how long for. 

Yesterday the repair people called with information about the two parts needed for an actual repair. It's not fixed, just a temp bandaid.  It can go out any time without the new parts. 

Proposed cost almost $500, parts and labor. I asked them to leave this with me for now. Translation: WHAT?  I'm wondering, since that's almost the cost of a new stove, if I should be thinking about that instead. Always something.

So I plan to keep limping this one along as long as I can, while I consider my options.  Sigh. Suggestions gratefully received.

Meanwhile back at the Library of Congress, I've been trying to get Josie George's  A Still Life for ages, library couldn't buy it, not available to their vendors, tried for interlibrary loan, not available on any ILL other than a copy I can borrow from the Library of Congress. But there are strings. 

I can't remove it from the branch library. Have to borrow, read immediately, and hand back. This is a thoughtful book for slow reading and thinking, so it's impossible to comply. Libraries are still discouraging long visits. 

I asked them to cancel. I may need to end up buying it, which is not exactly my plan, but might become the plan. File this under We Tried.

And the famous purple socks are done, pressed and ready to go with the others, for this month's parcel.

Misfits box expected this afternoon. I hope they don't request I eat the contents immediately and hand back the box, is all.

Happy day! 


  1. Exciting news indeed! It was all over our news here too.
    As for the stove - how old is it? At that cost to repair one wonders how long the rest of it will keep working. We've often found that putting the bucks into repairs on things most often means another repair on some other part of whatever it is and it ends up costing more in the long run. On the other hand, they don't make new ones like they used to either. Hard decision to make.

  2. New stove.
    It is good to repair instead of discard, but at that price, new stove.

  3. I don't understand the unavailability of that book. It can be bought on Amazon, new or used. What am I missing?
    As to the oven- yes, it would probably be a good idea to start looking for a new one.
    Five hundred dollars is a lot to put into an old one.
    As to our new Supreme Court Justice- that is the best thing that's happened to this country in a long time! Obama was right- history WAS made. IS being made. A lot of baby steps add up to many miles.

  4. The Supreme Court appointment is long, LONG overdue. A great day!

  5. Of course all but 3 republicans voted against her. But it wouldn't have mattered who Biden proposed. They had no intention of voting for any democrat. McConnell has broken the Senate, party over country.

    $500 for a repair? Is that more than half the cost of a new stove? And what guarantee for how long it will last after the repair? I think I'd be looking at new stoves. I kept my VOLVO for 24 years. Eventually it needed repair every year but I kept telling myself it was still cheaper than a new car payment. And then it stranded me 3 times in 6 months. Time to get a new car.

  6. The repair isn't difficult. I could do it myself, just swapping out one unit for another. But the part itself is expensive. I looked around to see if I could get it cheaper, all around $300 plus $30 for the necessary display overlay. So even diy wouldn't save me much.

    I think looking around sadly for yet another expense I'm not quite ready for is going to happen.

    Mary the library thing has to do with county level vending and selecting. I don't know how it works. Or doesn't.

    I'm glad Jackson was Biden's nominee. If Obama had proposed her as he had considered, just think, McConnell would have blocked her like Garland, and we'd probably have lost the chance forever.

  7. I just read the prologue to Josie George's book on the Amazon website and want to read the whole book. But it is not available as an ebook and I don't do physical books much anymore.

    Ouch! The stove repair is way too expensive! I could flip a breaker switch many times to avoid paying that much. Difficult to do if happens when you are in the middle of baking, though.

  8. Wonderful! Sorry about the stove though...and the book.

  9. I watched the confirmation with tears in my eyes as it happened. It sure takes our country a long time to do what should have been done long ago. I am thankful for each step forward!

    I'd definitely plan on getting a new stove with repairs costing that much. I'm in the same boat with a washing machine. It works, sort of, but not properly and not worth the cost of repairs. There's a new one in my future but I'm putting it off as long as possible!

    Those socks are beautiful!

  10. I watched that Obote with interest! What a great event!

  11. You are the first one I know to press socks when finished. What is the advantage?

  12. The pressing regularizes the stitching, gives it a great finish. It makes the fabric very fine to the touch. I always steam press knitted items for this reason.

  13. I forgot to say you never press ribbing, because it flattens the elasticity.

  14. The name Josie George rang a bell - she writes the wonderful Bimblings blog!

    I can't remember if you or Quinn recommended her writing, which I occasionally remember to look at. It's always thought-provoking and beautifully written. A memoir, now? Must find it! (Also not at our library - yet).

    "As to our new Supreme Court Justice- that is the best thing that's happened to this country in a long time!" Ms. Moon, I agree with you!

    Chris from Boise

    PS Hope the circuit breaker reset trick allows you to cope with your glitchy stove for quite some time.

  15. Congratulations on this history.

    As for the stove, I would be tempted to move on. They don’t make ‘em like they usta. 😀

  16. Chris, I found Josie George through
    Quinn, so it's not clear how you did. She's a wonderful writer, and a heroic person.

    AC, yes, I'm reluctantly nursing along the stove while looking around for a new one. This one's about 15 years old, lasted about ten years less than its predecessor. The good part is that I know a lot more about it than I did before.

  17. Seems to me the repair will be greater that the cost to replace (provided you aren't getting a Dolce & Gabbana Majolica stove from Neimans hahahahahahaha) so replace might be the best way to go.

  18. I've been pricing them locally, cheapest around $800, and that might be the way to go. I would like the simplest I can get with the minimum of electronic controls.


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