Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter happened, fencing too.

 Lovely Easter celebration.

Table ready for company

Coffee table set up for cheese and bread sticks, later for dessert.

Menu cheeses, havarti and Gouda and bread sticks. Then ham, cheese roasted yellow potatoes, broccoli and carrots, steamed and buttered. Dessert Niagara candy eggs, jelly beans, sugar cookies, pot of tea.

Last night's storm flattened the daffodils, which I picked to make our centerpiece.

Meanwhile outside in a bitter wind the fence workers assembled the fence, gate yet to come. 

One tiny hitch, as you see, the new gate will be set far over from the old one. This means some gardening adjustment to come, moving plants which will be in the path of the new gate. Oh.

I still don't like the boxed in feeling of the new fence, but those workers are truly great.

Working  8-6, never stopping, carrying heavy sections of fence, wielding posthole diggers, all heavy manual labor. Half an hour for lunch, sitting on a stack of my old fence sections, cheerful, such a good crew. Hats off.

While handsome Son was here, we found and labeled the breaker for the range, so if I need to reset, I easily can. 

And the current sock is a cheerful one, too. Buzzy stripes.

Lovely day today.

Happy day everyone!


  1. Everything on your Easter menu sounds delicious, and you set a very festive table! The new fence looks wonderful and will be great for privacy.

  2. My jury's out on the fence. But the dinner was good.

  3. This last storm was some piece of work. I woke to snow, on April 19th.

  4. We had high winds, couple of inches of rain. Today was icy wind again. More like December than April!

  5. Your Easter celebration sounds wonderful! Havarti and Gouda cheese are two of my favorites. I'm sure your son had a wonderful time and enjoyed your excellent cooking. The new fence looks a little different but I imagine you will get used to it.

  6. I'm hoping to get used to it. Right now I very much dislike the glaring color and the everything trimmed with white design and the feeling of being boxed in, unable to see neighbors on either side. They're friends, I'd like to see them. Looking for the good side, the shrubs stand out better against the background. I'm hoping more good sides will emerge.

  7. You Easter table looks so pretty and the menu sounds wonderful! Yay for great workers! There are a lot of them who are under appreciated!

  8. A lovely celebration, and I love the socks!

  9. The way some people work humbles me. Those fence-builders look like an amazing crew.
    I'm sorry that all of the daffodils died but how nice you could save some for your table. I'm glad it all went well.

  10. I wonder why they offset the gate. Is the new fence higher than the old? Are you able, as in will the HOA allow you, to paint the fence a color more to your liking?

  11. The gate was offset on the old fence, design feature, one side of the fence longer than the other. In fact a good feature, since a gate right in the middle of a fence looks like hell.

    This one has a similar feature, but in a different place.
    The height etc of the new fence is exactly the same as the previous one. The HOA won't let owners paint it. In any case, I doubt if it could be painted outside of s factory with industry equipment and materials. It's some sort of plastic adjacent composition material. Household paint would not adhere , and I doubt if paint would last through winter weather.

    We're all planning on planting heavily to hide it!

  12. The reason it feels so boxed in is that the old fence had that alternating pattern where there are a lot of gaps between boards, and it is private but you can still see a bit through, enough to see and chat with neighbors.

  13. Your Easter dinner sounds like it was very good. And the new fence is attractive though I can understand the feeling of being in a box.

  14. The fence does look rather like a box - a feeling of being enclosed like that wouldn't appeal to me. I guess you have no say in the matter and it's a one for all, all for one situation. I suppose they'd frown on any enterprising souls drilling peep holes.....


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