Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter yet to happen here, catch-up, and Franklin Habit's vlog

Today is about setting the table, organizing food and looking forward to tomorrow's celebration of Easter. A little out of step as usual because of Handsome Son's work schedule, but it will be good.

Meanwhile winter seems to have returned.

I was out walking yesterday in bright sun, but quickly fastened my coat and put up the hood, because of stiff icy winds.  Deceptive from inside the house. But as Mary and Ellen would agree, you need to keep moving in order to be able to keep moving.  Even a couple of days off and my legs feel soooo tired, but strength soon comes back.

Meanwhile s couple of updates: the paper tubes have proved to be too much for my hands to manage. I didn't have newspaper so I used catalog type pages, all I had. I think newspaper is vital, soft enough to manipulate. So next time the local shopper comes, I'll try it again.  The tubes will become beads, possibly for a doorway. Anyway they're away safely, nothing wasted.

The other update is the progress of the garlic scapes

No commentary needed here.

Last night I made a cafe au lait, using a filter made into a coffee bag, like a teabag. 

It worked okay once it started. I wonder if coffee bags exist and if they're ground coffee like this or instant. Coffee doesn't usually affect my sleep but last night was all about reading and tossing. But the moon was brilliant, so that may be another reason. Beautiful moon, bitter cold, clear sky.

And I finished these, sincee my paper crafting us in hiatus

Already into the next, a narrow stripe of black and beigy color, tres raffine, insert your own accent there over the e. As I use up the supplies, there may be more narrow stripes in future, possibly multiple colors.

And if you're not familiar with teacher and knitter also crocheter and sewing expert and spinner Franklin Habit's vlog, yesterday he posted a wonderful one about a stitchery gala he attended recently. He's moved from Chicago to Paris and is getting right into the textile art scene there.

Here's a taste of the Aiguille en Fete 

Anyway he's a lovely guy, very entertaining, very encouraging to people at all levels of expertise or interest, take a look. He's crocheting while he talks, in his Paris apartment. 

Late breaking news. Fence Demolition has started 


  1. Interesting needlework. And now you are exposed for all to see, fence gone.

  2. I feel really on display now. Quite a different view.

  3. How long will it take for them to replace the fence, do you think?
    I ADORE that needlework! Ooh, if I only had the patience and okay, skills.
    I cannot believe your weather. That's crazy!

  4. The fence on this block is gone, now they're installing the support members for the new one. I'm hoping for new fence by end of day then tomorrow they'll install gates. That's been the pattern I've observed.

  5. "A stitchery gala!" Sounds quite decadent!

  6. Well, it is in Paris, so I hope so.

  7. Wow, what a difference with the fence down. I hope the new one goes well. The stitchery photos, those are gorgeous. Winter like weather forecasts in April are ignore worthy, unless you have to go outdoors.
    Happy Easter!

  8. Our Easter celebration was today. Enjoy yours tomorrow.

  9. I am sorry in advance for the weather coming your way! It's supposed to snow here, overnight, and be in the forties tomorrow.

  10. I hope you and Handsome Son enjoy your celebration...

  11. Winter is very stubborn about leaving this year. We've had below freezing weather for the past couple of days. It sure didn't feel like Easter! Maybe your weather will warm up soon. I hope the fence work goes smoothly and quickly. It is very distracting to have workers in your yard.

    Your Easter plans for tomorrow sound wonderful. Enjoy the day and handsome son and don't work too hard!

  12. Woke up to snow tis morning. It tends to happen at least once in April. Sadly.

  13. Bonnie, yes, they're a nice crew, cheerful, very hardworking, but I'll be glad to be done with them.

    And with winter. Another nor'easter last night.

  14. We have coffee bags here in the UK, but I don't know what type of coffee - I'm going to assume ground, otherwise presumably no need for he bag. I love your socks!

  15. I had not heard of Franklin Habit but that crocheting is beautiful! I just love it. I have had coffee bags (like tea bags only ground coffee) but for me they don't work well. You might like to try as Nespresso machine, they're all the rage here in England although to my mind the little pods are too pricey and the resulting cups of coffee too small. They taste quite professional though. I hope your weather cheers up soon.

  16. Well, you can buy coffee in bags like tea so I expect the "fill it yourself" tea bags will work fine with coffee.

  17. What a difference a fence makes (uttered musically in the 'What A Difference A Day Makes' method). Finally, after all that waffling and faffing about they're finally getting to it.


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