Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day

 Today we celebrate our big blue marble

And here's a series of paper mosaics by young  children in Darrell Wakelam's classes

And closer to home, balancing, more or less, the destruction of our lovely old weathered cedar fences, the roots of a felled tree across the street were removed yesterday, and a lovely new flowering tree planted in their place. 

Mary, I thought of your grandchildren when I watched these boys with toys at work. They'd probably have been asking to help.

And, my own little bit of up cycling, here's the first fitting of the vest, to check my shoulder seams.  

I'll be cutting more from the armholes, armscyes to posh seamstresses, before I settle on the side seams. Depending on how the pockets work, too, I may shorten it before hemming. It's a work in progress.

Aren't we all.. happy Earth Day, everyone.


  1. Oh, indeed! Levon especially would have studied those guys working all day long.
    Yes. Happy Earth Day! Our one and only home, our mother.

  2. Happy Earth Day! Those paper mosaics are lovely.

  3. Happy earth day! The poor planet needs some happiness for sure.

  4. Happy Earth Day!
    The vest is looking good!

  5. Great mosaics. Great new trees - may they grow well in their new home. I would never have thought of making a vest from actual blue jeans; what a neat idea.

  6. The vest is looking great - I know you'll get a lot of wear out of it in vest form. The mosaics are wonderful!

  7. Happy Earth Day. I love the kid artwork. Especially the lion.


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