Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Of Twitter and tension and textiles

So the proposed buy-out of Twitter by Musk has caused a flutter in the Twittercote. It's not all done, far from it. 

There's a shareholder vote to come, then due diligence must be followed and the legal entities satisfied before any change of ownership can happen. 

It won't happen yesterday, despite the panic in the Twitter sphere. He already balked at the due diligence required to be on the board, and this will be much more thorough, given that he has to satisfy them of his sources for payment. 

My own account is tiny, but I've developed a nice timeline with people in fields such as botany, medieval history, textiles, writing, art, miniatures, farming, politics and pets. It's an excellent news source from journos before their work gets onto their official outlets.

My avatar is a piece of my gold work, as good as a portrait, really.  I'm hoping that if it changes dramatically, goes feebased, I don't get shut out. It's a good place for me, and mitigates the loneliness of being old and alone. I can sign up for newsletters, but they don't have the back and forth that makes the site friendly.

So there we are. We'll see. 

The tension in the title is in my jaw, pain for a few days, I'm guessing from anxious clenching. I've tried various remedies from cursing to massage to pain pills, nothing works for long. I see my doctor next week anyway so we'll see what she suggests. It's not good for happy moods, definitely.

Meanwhile socks continue

I'm getting down in the yarn supply, so narrow stripes may happen,  to use it up with some design still going. 

And the fence saga is not quite done. The section of deck I had to remove will not fit back into the new space. Also the deck now has to allow for a whole different gate placement. 

This will involve getting Contractor  Mike to recut and redesign the edge of the deck, to put back the vital walkway. 

I already moved some planting that was now right across the gate. The good news is that the gate opens outward, so there's no concern about clearing the deck, which it wouldn't, being set lower than the old gate.

Never a dull moment. Again. 

Happy day everyone!  Later today Textiles and Tea, with a weaver of yardage, I'll see how that grips me and, if it does, let you know tomorrow.


  1. As someone said, “He could have solved hunger with $44 billion.” It may not be the case, but it makes one think. I suppose it is all to get his good friend, Mr T, back on Twitter. It’s a heckuva price to pay.

  2. I left Twitter. I was spending too much time at it and could see it expanding. There is life beyond Twitter, as I can testify.

  3. I follow a couple of folks on Twitter, but have never really "gotten" it. Hope your experience of it remains good.

  4. I have never gotten a twitter account, mainly because I don't need any excuse whatsoever to spend even one more minute a day online.
    But I understand that for many, it is a very good way to communicate with others in the world.
    As always, I love your socks.
    I am so sorry you are having jaw pain. That is a serious issue. I hope it can be dealt with. I bite my tongue at night. It wakes me up because it hurts so badly. I finally figured out that it may in fact be a matter of me actually biting my tongue along with figuratively biting my tongue. I probably have things to say that I do not give myself permission to say.
    Also today I have a pain in the neck.
    Calling Dr. Freud!

  5. I think activity online is like anything else -- good in its place. You use it rather than let it use you. It's a fragile link but for some of us who have outlived partner, family and friends, it can be very welcome.

    Mary, yes, I'm hoping the pain doesn't prove to be anything vital. It's just that there are a lot of nerves in your face and if they get irritated, you really know about it.

  6. I'm not on Twitter myself. Keeping up with a blog is all the social media I can manage, LOL! I don't think it's good news that Elon Musk is buying Twitter. Every right-wing fascist liar in the world will be back on it zippy quick with no controls over the hateful damage they'll spread.

  7. The twitter thing can be a problem if it's Musk's agenda to get Trump back on the platform. I'm like you; there are still hurdles to clear.

  8. What he has to consider is that Twitter depends on the numbers of users. If restoring Trump, if he wants to return anyway, triggers an exodus of members, it may backfire. It's not like a business where he can hire and fire. If he does manage the takeover, there may be more to it than he knows right now. We'll see.

  9. I'm sorry about your jaw pain. Stress related clenching and/or grinding your teeth can cause that for many people. I have that problem to the extent that I have routinely damaged my teeth. I wear a mouth guard at night and that does help. I hope your doctor can help you out with it.
    That is a shame you are going to have to have your deck recut and redesigned. I would have thought they would put the new fence in the same place to avoid causing such problems. I hope all this is not difficult to correct.

  10. Never had any interest in tweeting and my interest in other forms of social media is dwindling it seems. love the socks.

  11. I wonder if it would help your jaw to chew gum -- or if that would make it worse. Maybe some movement in the jaw would be a good thing. (I find that if I'm clenching or grinding my teeth gum helps me.)

  12. I've never explored the workings of Twitter and Instagram - I don't need the extra angst in my life. I do have a facebook presence but very limited and mainly as a means to keep in contact with my kids.
    Hope the jaw issue gets sorted and that it's a relatively simple thing to deal with. You don't need any more anxiety in your life!


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