Thursday, April 21, 2022

Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of orchids, socks and books

Update on the houseguest orchid. I did get the plant, rammed tight in the pot, out, over the sink, just as well, and found that there was an inner plastic pot which took a hook and cursing to remove.

Just as well I did all this because I found the poor thing was sitting in water, the last thing an orchid needs.  So I drained it, then replaced it in the inner pot which I boosted up with a bit of fiber underneath so it can be removed again next time it's watered. I think she's looking more cheerful now.

And while I was there, I noticed my small collection of cookbooks had got into frame, so I thought you might like to see what I think is important enough to own.

Considering I'm always going on about food and my attempts to make it. It's a small collection, and I use all of it.

One time back in petcare days, I did a series of drawings of client desks,  since that's a good bio of most people. Book collections are, too.

Here's my textile section

And the group of books that have helped me keep going st times

Mental health, physical health, artistic health, it's all there!

I do like squinting at other people's book shelves, particularly when I'm encountering them on zoom, and want to ask them to move over so I can see more titles. Never mind what they're talking about..  So I thought you might like this too.

Then, to prove that I remember the dinosaurs, here's my collection of DVDs

Mysteries, comedy, and for a change, comedy mysteries.

I'll leave you with three views of a sock

It needs to be finished, that is,  ends woven in, and pressed, then it will look presentable.  After I make the other one.

Candle by AC.

Keeping Ukraine front and center in thoughts while I knit for the Sock Ministry.


  1. I also like to see what others have in their bookcase. It tells you a lot about them, I think. Nice socks!

  2. Oh, the "Artist's Way" -- I read that way back in the day when it first came out and was such a sensation! I'm doing a major clear-out of my bookshelves right now and donating them to a book sale which my seniors recreation centre is having next month.

  3. Somehow, I seemed to have imagined you never requiring a cookbook at all.

  4. Debra, donating for your future playgroup??

    AC, I mainly need them to check oven temps, but you're right, I tend to veer off the straight and narrow when I cook.

    Pam, any chance of a sneaky look at your books, if you still have some after the downsizing?

  5. Ah- we share a few books in common! I, too, remember the Artist's Way. Still have a copy, I'm sure. I read the author's autobiography (memoir?) and came away feeling as if she was a bit unsteady in this world which does not take away from her lessons in Artist's Way.
    I do like those socks.
    And I am sure that poor blue-dyed orchid is very relieved.

  6. Mary, she's been on radio lately promoting her latest book which is largely the Artist's Way with a few additions. I wonder why she didn't call it The Blocked Artist's Way, because that's what it really is. I didn't get much out of it, never having really been blocked in writing or art or making, other than permission to take artist expeditions, which I already did. I agree she's pretty fragile.

  7. Good job getting the orchid out of that water! They definitely do NOT like that. Those planters are so deceptive. Dave bought me a miniature lemon tree years ago in a similar planter, and it gradually died no matter what I did. I took it back to the florist, who lifted it from the planter to reveal that it was in a plastic pot and the planter was full of water -- just like your orchid. I had no idea. I was super annoyed.

  8. I do that too with books, especially with all the reporters working from home. The have some of the books in view behind them and I'm so busy scanning, I forget to listen to what they're saying. I have Writing Down the Bones and The Artist's Way. Can't see the other titles very well but two are enough. :) Is nice to know I connect with another blogger book-wise. :)

    Be well.

  9. I have divested myself of so many books in my life time. Now I download, or check info on Google.

  10. I love to study others' bookshelves too, and their homes generally on Zoom. I notice so many are in blank empty-looking places.

  11. And I have Writing Down the Bones too.

  12. That blue orchid is a beauty. I have donated books to various groups for sales and the library. I keep few books now.

  13. I love snooping through bookshelves too - always interesting to see what inspires other people. I noticed you have a copy of 'The Art of Annemieke Mein' too - that's one of my favourites. And - in case I've never mentioned it - another favourite of mine is by Jan Messent - 'Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery'. If you haven't seen it, try to get a copy from the library because I know you would love it.

  14. I got the Annemieke Mein after seeing her work referenced on your blog. I was never able to get the other book though.

  15. Writing Down the Bones was in my collection too. These days all you would find on the desk is the laptop.

  16. What a beautiful orchid. I, too, love looking at other people's books. And those striped socks are very cool! :)


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