Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Fenced in, fish, powerhouse soup and mystery wildflowers

Today contractor friend Mike comes to see what's what with the fence. The uprights were put in exactly where the old posts had been, but they're bigger and take up more surface. He'll have to cut the walkway a bit to fit it in again. And cut and move the supports under the deck to secure the walkway, because the gate's a good 18" over from the old gate.  He designed the deck so I expect he'll know how to proceed.

Not that I'm anxious to sit out yet, temps in the fifties and a brisk wind. 

Yesterday I made stock and a powerhouse green soup with macaroni. Broccoli, spinach and scallions. You've seen this before, so no pix. Very welcome on cold spring days.  

And I broke out the salmon, and proved again that good ingredients need very little help from the cook. 

Just salt, pepper, fresh thyme, baked, that's it. With a green salad, very cheering spring lunch. With enough left for today, too.

The jaw pain is easing up a bit, after I've been trying not to clench. Bet dollars to donuts it will be resolved before I see the doctor.  

She gets this patient, unintended pun,  look when I tell her about awful symptoms that have all gone away now! I'm betting she's seeing a lot of anxiety symptoms of all kinds these days. 

Before I leave Twitter to sort itself out, after my morning rounds of storytellers, historians, artists and other cheering people, let me tell you a recent dialogue with an older lady on another website.

She brags about having no smartphone, though she's on the computer daily checking in to interactive websites. On  the subject of Twitter she claimed "I can't tweet, I don't have a smartphone".  

Someone else tried to explain tweeting was exactly like what she was currently doing, only with fewer characters. But she insisted. 

We finally realized she had it confused with texting. Evidently thought the whole site was about texting. Oh. Can't imagine how that could work.  But I wonder how often people form positions based on a faulty grasp of the facts. I expect I do too.

Speaking of which, is this a bed of henbit?

It has different colored leaves from the henbit growing at my door.  But I'm open to suggestions.

Putin has now cut off Russian natural gas supplies to a couple of neighboring countries, further uniting Europe and strengthening support for Ukraine.  I wouldn't say he's much of a tactician. More like a human blunt instrument.

Happy day everyone, at least as happy as you can manage. Some of us are struggling, I know.


  1. A delightfully healthy salmon meal! I hope your deck gets sorted out.

  2. I just got some frozen salmon fillets from Costco. We've bought them before but I need to learn how to cook them properly. I guess I've been overcooking them. I hope the deck gets straightened out.

  3. That's sort of funny about tweeting and texting.

  4. Thank you. I was wondering what that flower is growing along my concrete deck. It looks pretty. I also like ground ivy. I notice searching the Internet for plants in the yard, there are few pictures that actually show the plant growing in a yard. A close up is good, but can be confusing.

    Prayers your jaw issue is not serious and heals from whatever is going on.

  5. Ellen, I baked them for about 20 minutes at 425f. That worked nicely.

    Yes, tweeting and texting aren't exactly the same thing, AC.

    SP, I'm waiting for maybe Mary to confirm what the flowers are. The landscapers consider them weeds, but I like them.

  6. Liz- I do think that is henbit but am not certain. That is the same color we usually see it here.
    Sometimes when I cook salmon, I like to do just do a little tiny bit of olive oil, salt and pepper, dill weed, and a bit of lemon squeezed over before cooking. Another delicious way to eat it!
    I just love the way some people brag about not having a smart phone while at the same time using most of the same technology on their computers. I do have a friend who has neither. He just fought it until now it is truly more than he could take on to learn. The damn thing about it is that he lives in an isolated area and has multiple serious medical problems. If anyone needed a phone in their pocket, it is him.

  7. We have salmon at least once a week. Have to get some! Yours looks great!

  8. My brother-in-law bakes packets of salmon in foil with lemon slices and other goodies as available (tiny tomatoes, fennel leaves, etc). It is always a treat - moist and flavorful.

  9. I forgot to say I did spritz lemon juice on. Thanks for reminding me. Another time I might do capers. I love capers, any excuse to use them.

  10. About tech, I've been using computers since the late 50s, cracks me up when people say old people have no experience in them. Who do they think developed them and introduced them into everyday life?

    But I'm not into following the latest expensive fashion. Mary it sounds as if a jitter bug might be good for your friend, if someone sets it up. It's not hopelessly complicated.

  11. Hi, I'm new to your blog. I think your salmon looks delicious. I live in Minnesota so I know about cold springtime. I know I have a twitter account but I have never used it. I do know what it is though! It's nice to come across your blog.

  12. Thanks for stopping in and commenting, Sandra. I hope you'll browse and enjoy.

  13. I've never used twitter. No one to tweet to.

  14. I joined when a friend urged me to join a group of artists sharing drawings online, and got to know people from there.

  15. I guess Twitter IS sort of like texting -- except you're texting the whole world! Powerhouse green soup sounds yummy.

  16. Some people call Twitter a series of tiny blog posts. Since only followers and casual passersby get to see them, I think this is about right.

  17. I am suggesting heal-all. Possibly also known as henbit?????

  18. Texting is another thing I don't do, much to the horror of some of my family and friends. I simply can't be bothered with trying to type on those itty bitty little keyboards. I was a secretary and I type on a 'real' keyboard, thank you very much.
    Today I have to wrestle with trying to figure out how to get an airline app on my phone and THEN try to figure out how to manage to load boarding passes onto it. Turns out airports, due to covid, are no longer accepting paper printouts of same and are insisting that everything has to be 'contactless'. Sigh. One more learning curve I don't want to travel.


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