Monday, April 4, 2022

Snow in April not unheard of

This is Saturday, a couple of hours north of here

People living in mountainous states will note the massive elevation! For an eastern coastal state, that's mountainous.

Today's my second booster, and I'm trying not to have commitments other than the Wednesday stove repair man, for the next few days. That's going by the reactions to the last booster.  Hoping for the best though. 

Dull old post today. Yesterday's endless rain and hail and sleet was a good knitting time, especially considering the news from Ukraine. Knitting being calming.

I used all the shades, darkest to palest, up to the heel, then reversed so the cuff is back to darkest.

Happy day, everyone!


  1. It's horrible what Russia, Russian soldiers are doing, executing civilians, even killing their dogs. I've read they have basically kidnapped 400,000 Ukrainians forcing them to Russia and then confiscating their Ukrainian passports.

    No snow here but it's not unheard of to have a freeze in March. Fortunately, we're in April now.

  2. Re the booster - I read just yesterday that it's a good idea to consume lots of water before and after the shot. And be sure not to get it in your dominant well as doing lots of 'windmills' with your arm to aid in spreading the booster (so to speak). Don't know if any of it is of any use, but can't hurt.
    Snow - yes, we're still getting it. I was reading back in my journal last night to see what happened this month for the past few years and for the last two Aprils we've had significant snow the last week. Ever hopeful this year won't be the same.

  3. Hoping your 2nd booster goes well.
    Snow in April is usually short lived big fluffy flakes that turns the landscape into a winter wonderland. I decrease stress over Ukraine by not watching the news, and limited what I read. The headlines are bad enough.

  4. The pharmacy also recommends a lot of water, so I'm doing that. I forgot about waving my arm around, so thanks for the reminder. I don't have a dominant arm -- mixed dominance, use whichever is most convenient for the task, so I've been alternating arms.

  5. My husband's grandfather had mixed dominance. I think it must be rare. I was told that he'd throw a ball with whichever hand was closest to the ball. For some reason, I am not surprised that you have this.
    You have gone and knitted some Easter socks! Someone is going to cherish them. They will be that person's lucky socks.
    Good luck with your booster. Rest and let it do its work.
    I think it's going to get up to eighty degrees here today. Not unusual at all for us in April.
    As to Ukraine- my heart cannot stand the reality. How can there be such cruelty, such evil? We are a vastly imperfect species.

  6. Hope this booster is less of an experience!

  7. When I was married in N.J. we lived on something called the Sourland Mountain. Our road was East Mountain Road, Belle Mead. Outside Princeton, where we both worked. I've always wondered how high that so called mountain was. I think I will google it right now. Will be back if any news.

  8. OK, back again: 568 feet! Well, that's better than no feet, says I. And how did we live without Google?

  9. Inger I'm very familiar with that "mountain". It's where I visited swallow hill alpaca farm, and near the place I bought local clay for art projects. Also beautiful.

  10. I just checked: where I'm sitting now is at the dizzy height of 72'.

  11. I've alternated arms, too. Spread the joy, so to speak. For me - 4 shots now - each shot has been easier than the last. Hope that is the case for you, too.

  12. And I'm sitting at 4,111 ft. A bigger mountain, but still small by Western U.S. standards. Mount Whitney is not that far from here. Haven't seen it yet, because it's an overnight trip unless you're young and can drive long distances.

  13. Brr, sounds like grim weather. Good for snuggling.

  14. We had snow but it didn't last. I was glad. It turned into sleet for a while and then went away. Now, it's much warmer.

  15. We had snow yesterday, and are nearly at sea level.

  16. A couple of fair days here with another, hopefully, coming tomorrow. Then rainmaker for a few.

  17. Send that moisture west; we really need it! Hope the booster doesn't lay you out too much.

    Nice job with the purple gradations. For a purple sock, it looks great :-)

    Chris from Boise

  18. Considering it's purple, it's not bad!


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