Friday, April 15, 2022

Flicker sighting and other signs of life

Since this was the forecast for the afternoon

which did come to pass, I walked in the morning.  I followed the hammering noise of  a woodpecker in the dead tree at the end of the houses, and found a  northern flicker busy working on a nest site, too busy to worry about me as I watched. 

That tiny white dot high up there on the left is his rump as he digs down into the cavity.. Flickers often feed near the ground around old tree stumps with insect life, and you can spot them in flight from the flash of white rump feathers. But they nest safely high, in nests they excavate in dead trees.

This is how they look close up, not my picture

So I'll be keeping a lookout as I walk that way in the next couple of weeks to see if they're feeding young.

And the trees are blossoming out

Closer to home, there's the current display of daffodils 

And waiting in the wings, the last group ready to burst out

The henbit which the landscapers totally tore out last year is

back, undaunted, happy sight.

Then, after the storms arrived, changing my plan about going for ice cream at the handmade shop, I tried my hand at a home version of soft serve tutti fruti, using that heavy cream powder, beaten up with water, nuts and fruit added

Put it in the freezer for an hour

And ended up with a sort of very nice frozen dessert thing, pretty good sub for the ice cream shop version.

The not so good news yesterday is that neighbor Jackie, who's been living next door since  hurricane Maria forced her to leave Puerto Rico, is moving to Florida. Today. I didn't realize it was this soon. 

She can't wait to have her own place again, in a climate that suits her much better. So she and kitties Maui and Finny are driving down starting today. Sigh. I'll miss her. But she's so happy she finally got set up after a previous plan didn't work out, I can't help but be glad for her. A bit sorry for myself, too.

Today's paper weaving if the glue's dry, knitting, second sock well under way, and Misfits box all being well.

I see Ukraine did indeed sink the huge Russian battleship, even the Russian military have announced it. It's cluttering up the bottom of the sea. A definite dent in the invasion 

Happy day everyone.


  1. It’s nice to see your daffs. I haven’t seen any around yet, but our tulips are at least point through. The few daffs that we had in our garden decided to pack it in.

  2. Your ice cream substitute looks pretty good!

  3. Looks like spring for sure- inbetween the storms.

  4. Fun to see spring moving northwards. I understand why your neighbor would prefer the climate in Florida however the political climate would keep me out. Of course it's no better in Texas as Abbott and DeSantis seem to be in a contest to see who can be the most abhorrent.

  5. Lovely to see the flowers! I came across a couple lawns that were absolutely filled with little blue flowers yesterday (scilla, I think) and so that MUST mean spring is here.
    So sorry you're losing a good neighbour and now it's to be hoped another that is equally as nice moves in.

  6. The flowers are lovely! You came up with a great original method of making ice cream. I bet it was good. I'm sorry to hear your neighbor is moving but it does sound like she will be happy in her new warmer home.

  7. I think Jackie might be replaced (!) by a new puppy. Gary was over here talking about it. He doesn't do well alone, and I suspect he's ready. It's nearly a year since poor Bennie died.

    I love to see how suddenly the spring flowers are coming in.

    I'm surprised at anyone moving to Florida right now but she has ties there, so that's a bit different.

  8. I would enjoy that ice cream. The operative word is cream.

  9. There is no bird more beautiful than a flicker. Here's hoping they successfully set up housekeeping; they young can be pretty noisy as they wait for food delivery - you might (in a month or so) hear it even at ground level.

    Sorry to hear that you're losing a good neighbor; hope the next one is as well (and a puppy neighbor to ooh and aaah over, then send home to its family, would be a lovely addition to the neighborhood too!

    Go, Ukraine! What a doughty country!

    Chris from Boise


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