Sunday, October 31, 2021

Textile Museum associates of Southern California scores again

This great exhibit was so well organized and presented, four clear sections, each with its own specialist,  that it needs little from me, as liner notes. Just enjoy. 

It's  open for in person visiting for several months, if you're able to get there. Even in pictures, it looks spectacular.

The  associates group has been presenting these Zoom events for 17 months at the expense of their own small membership. I think I owe them a membership. They tell me there will be a special rate for on-line only, which would be me. If it's in my range, I'm in.


  1. They are a dedicated bunch to produce all this online content for people!

  2. I've shared some amazing programs from them in this blog. Between them, Hajii Baba and Textiles and Tea, there's a lot to choose from.

  3. Once again I'm wowed by the sheer abilities of the people who create these things.

  4. Lovely pictures. I wonder how much time those heavily embroidered pieces take.

  5. Gosh! If I went there I'd never get out. Any one of those textiles, you could spend hours just looking at the detail.

  6. Yes. I think it would be more than one visit.


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