Monday, November 1, 2021

MicroSeason Ten, White rabbits, and chicken

MicroSeason Ten,

and the leaves are turning

First slate colored junco appeared on the patio, bang on schedule. No picture, I was taken by surprise. Canada geese starting to fly in v formation, before migrating to the next town and back again. Not keen travelers, our local flocks.

The face is completed, 

trapunto work done, cut off from the supporting fabric, and now I can see what's next. 

I have some ideas floating around amorphously. The coloring is roving slid under the silk top layer, in a kind of low relief. Here it's just resting on a handy placemat.

The silk felted shape I showed you earlier may belong with this, but is more likely to be better with the next figure which is impatiently pushing its way into my thinking now. 

Meanwhile there's dinner to consider.

I wanted something involving mushrooms of which I have plenty, and chicken thighs likewise. 

So here's the mushrooms sizzling nicely in butter and good olive oil, in front of the cut up chicken browning in the ready browned onions, curry leaves and fingerlings.

Everything went into one earthenware dish which does a great job with chicken. I added in a handful of sliced basil-and-garlic flavoured olives. Sat the bowl in the fridge all afternoon to let the flavors get friendly. 

Then half an hour at 400°f covered. At that point all was cooked and tender, the flavors were good. 

And another time I'll remember to serve it over jasmine rice, because the flavors could definitely take it. There's a couple of meals- worth left, so I'll try the rice idea. 

Between the curry leaves, picked off the plant Amitha gave me, which you can use wherever you'd use bay leaves, the olives and the buttered mushrooms, there was plenty of flavor to go around. If I hadn't had olives I'd have used capers, similar sharpness, to liven up the chicken.

Anyway it was good.

And since I wrote this yesterday, the dermatologist visit finally happened, and she biopsied the little thing on my face. I'll know in a few days if it's something to deal with. Interesting experience having a biopsy done, a first in my sheltered life.


  1. That chicken dish looks tasty - and I have some capers to find a use for.

    Hope the biopsy proves all to be well.

    Love the face. And I like the sound of your home-loving geese.

  2. Your seasons are zipping past! I really like that concept.

    This figure is so different from the second, which was so different from the first - and now #4 is knocking at the door! Good lord, what creativity lurks within your brain! (As if we needed more proof...!).

    Hoping the biopsy yields uninteresting results. In medicine, uninteresting is the best possible outcome.

    Chris from Boise

  3. Great looking soft sculpture face! And good luck with the biopsy on YOUR face!

  4. Some of my favorite and most flavorful chicken thighs recipes involve vinegar and cherry tomatoes. They cook together to form a holy blend of deliciousness. Garlic, of course. Olives and capers add happy, salty, earthy notes.
    I LOVE your Greek god or whoever he turns out to be. Fierce!

  5. Chris, I think you may have neglected to count the little flapper lady. I won't mention it to her, though. The current one is #4.

    I like being a boring patient. Fortunately my primary care doctor is a believer in health, and recently did a little happy dance over some good test results!

  6. Debra, from your lips to the Great Artist in the Sky's ear!

  7. Well, turns out I can't count. I'm on fig #5, and #6 is shoving in. So I'm in no position to tell anyone else they missed one!

  8. Mary, I have to remember vinegar more often. One of the best notes in the buttered chicken was vinegar. Note to self.

    We'll see how Greek guy goes. Felting might get in there in another way from that piece I did.

  9. I love the completed face and can't wait to see what you do with him! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts for positive biopsy results.

  10. Thanks, Bonnie, for the good vibes.

  11. Sautéing mushrooms sounds wonderful. Nice dish Prayers biopsy results are negative

  12. I'm always jealous of places where tree leaves turn colors and flutter down. Our don't. Turn colors. Your Greek is looking good.

  13. Yes, you need a touch of frost for leaf colors. Also the type of tree.

  14. Good luck with the biopsy. I’ve had a few of those which have been okay.

    We made mushroom soup recently after a mushroom craving. So good.

  15. I'm obviously behind in my blog reading once again so I've missed the biopsy excitement - sending good thoughts your way over the results from that and that it will turn out to be a non-'thing'.
    The latest face (no matter the number he may be) is very intriguing and now I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter in his development.


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