Friday, November 5, 2021

Diwali and drowsiness

Yesterday was not a fun day. Shivering and wobbly and not up for much food, while assuring myself that I'm safer now, and the vax must be working.

I was woken in the afternoon by a neighbor with her two daughters, visiting to wish me a happy Diwali, with sweets. 

The one I bit into to show you, is a crisp coating on a spicy, peppery, caraway seedy stuffing. The pink ones are sweet soft coconut candy.

I suspect they're homemade.  I only know the family  by sight, so it was good of them to include me.

In the evening, despite all the pleas of police, the street was ablaze with fireworks, no bangs, just fizzy sparkles. No harm done, though they must have gone out of state for them, fireworks long banned in NJ unless you have a professional licence for shows.

And I'm glad to say police kept a low profile. They're aware that it's adults setting them, children kept well back to watch, I expect.

Anyway, all that trouble just to cheer me up, fireworks, everything!  Today my energy is reserved for Misfits box prep. Other than that I'm reading romance novels. Just thought it would be a change.


  1. I hope your vaxx shot symptoms clear up quickly.

  2. I still don't have the energy I think I should but it's nothing like my first day or two after the booster. But yes- we are invincible now!
    What lovely neighbors you have!

  3. Sweet of them...Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Thanks to your and Ms. Moon's good example, I've scheduled a booster for next week, and blocked out a few days after, just in case. I'll stock up on soup and romance novels (well, probably detective stories) in advance. Glad you're taking it easy today again, and hope you're feeling 110% soon.

    Thanks also for introducing us to Not Your Momma's History yesterday. I look forward to exploring it.

    Chris from Boise

  5. That was a thoughtful gift. I hope you feel better soon!

  6. What a nice gesture from neighbours you don't know well. You live in an amazing community. Hope you feel back to yourself in short order.
    As for fireworks - they're not supposed to let them off here other than for prescribed 'special occasions' but that doesn't stop the morons who moor their boats just across from us and let them off pretty much every weekend. There were even some going off last night at almost midnight.


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