Wednesday, November 17, 2021

MicroSeason 13

First hard frost last night. My happy eyes knew before I checked the temperature, that the pollen is over for the year, yay, I can spin again. 

We're at MicroSeason 13, birds finally at the feeder, Carolina wrens and juncoes. So their wild food supplies are low enough, after the frost, to send them to my patio.

Here's an indoor planting update:

Rose of Sharon seedlings

Moringa seedlings. Every part is edible, I have to look up cooking uses.

My ginger, continuing to grow indoors after a summer outside. A while yet before I can harvest any.

And here's an enchanting way of seeing

I've had a few requests for the recipe I used for the ANZAC biscuits. There are others, but this is the one I used, well, adapted.

Oven temp 325°f, about 9-11 minutes, longer is crisper, shorter is chewier. I baked a couple of extra minutes more because mine were a bit bigger than instructed. 

Golden syrup not available here, I used a combo of molasses and honey. No ap flour, used whole-wheat. No brown sugar, but the molasses I used would work on the white sugar I used. I don't like coconut, so used a cup of oatmeal, 2 total, instead of one cup each oatmeal and coconut. 

It still worked, despite all my hacking.

And I can't resist showing you my favorite graphic on a commerical product, the Riddle of Samson on the golden syrup can.

It was the riddle he put to the Philistines as a wager. Various translations, and the one I knew went: 

Out of strength came forth sweetness
Out of death came forth life.

The answer: bees making honey in the carcase of a dead lion.

This is from the olden days of ad copy, which assumed a working knowledge of the Old Testament. They ignored the fact that golden syrup isn't honey, though!


  1. Moringa trees are attractive - I might get some seeds and try one here. Always nice to find another recipe "hacker".

  2. Your plants are doing well. That is a beautiful picture by Martina Heiduczek!

  3. I love your little rootlings! They look so good!
    I imagine that your hacked cookies are delicious. And I did not know that riddle! How is it that I've never heard it?

  4. Your plants are growing well. When I try to grow herbs inside, I never have much luck. You can grow just about anything by the look of it.

  5. Bees making honey in the carcass of a dead lion? Mmmmm, sounds so appetizing!

  6. I love that wonderful illustration.
    Speaking of birds at feeders - all we have now is a suet feeder and three times we've seen a flicker enjoying a snack. First time we've ever seen one anywhere near the feeder and sightings anywhere else are very rare. Big excitement for us!

  7. Flickers tend to prefer old tree stumps, so it's rare to find them at a feeder. What a treat.


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