Saturday, November 6, 2021

Diwali and drowsiness, Part II, oh and Misfits

Misfits box arrived early Friday afternoon, complete, timely,  and I definitely think Friday's the best delivery day. 

I think my energy's not back yet, because I had to stop midway through the prep, leave all the greens in the soaking water and

 take a pita bread and salad break and a rest, before I could finish. 

I was on the way back from the recycle, disposing of the Misfits packing, when I bumped into a neighbor and found I had been a bit premature in declaring no harm done from the Diwali fireworks, sadly.

Turns out that while I thought I was reading, Thursday evening, but must have been vaxnapping, the dumpster enclosure, wood structure containing dumpsters, fifty feet from my house, went up in spectacular flames.

Evidently there were  police, fire department, people rushing to move vehicles, total blaze threatening nearby houses, great fear of sparks falling on roofs, I missed the lot. No people were hurt, but my neighbor's jet ski, parked in the overflow slot next to the dumpsters, burned out. 

I had noticed yesterday morning bits of debris on my car, which I brushed off, still not noticing the disappearance of the dumpster building fifty feet away. My next door neighbor filled me in. I'm such an observant soul. Or booster-impaired.

Another friend stopped by yesterday evening with Diwali sweets and a gift container, 

and filled me in on the rest of the story. 

Evidently the parents, after the kids were home, had conscientiously swept up the firework debris, wet it down and waited half an hour before disposing of it. They were appalled when suddenly the dumpster building was engulfed in flame. 

Sad ending to a happy day, where kids in traditional dress had been visiting back and forth, all very excited. It's the first problem I ever heard of from Diwali celebrations. 

This morning I had an Indian breakfast, sweet chickpea pancakes and coconut cake, in bed with a cup of (Indian) tea, 

while I mused on the events I'd missed.

Never a dull moment Chez Boud. But as my auto body shop owner would say, were any people hurt? No. Any animals hurt? No. Then it's just stuff, and we can fix that.

In NJ the term dumpster fire is not just a metaphor for the last administration, I guess.


  1. Wow, that was a really deep sleep to miss all that excitement!

  2. I just looked up Diwali - interesting that this celebration of light happens just as we’re turning the clocks back I’m in favor of any holiday that involves sweets.
    Glad you’re bouncing back a bit from your vac.

  3. I was even more tired than I knew.

    And I love Diwali. You see all the local Indian homes decorated with lights, it's lovely. Later they're joined by westerners doing Christmas lights. It's very cheery to look out in a cold night and see the street all lighted.

    Indians really know how to have a party for all ages.

  4. Hope you're feeling back to normal now. Shame to miss all the excitement.

  5. I feel quite glad I missed it. It was harrowing for the people worrying about the houses.

  6. I love this week's misfits box! It looks perfect! I have the same exact bag of flour in my cabinet and many of the same ingredients in my kitchen.
    You literally did sleep through the excitement! I can understand. The day after I got my booster I could have slept through anything.
    How precious your neighbors are. I'm so glad that no one was hurt.

  7. I slept through a house on fire one night, granted it was at the other end of the street but I would have thought the sirens would have woken me. But lucky you living in an Indian community though I think I've said that before.

    King Arthur flour is my favorite but the store here doesn't always have it. And only one onion?

  8. Two onions. I buy a few in every box so my supply is kept up. I like King Arthur and Red Mill about the same but ka is more likely to be in Misfits supplies.

    And yes on the neighborhood.

  9. Thank goodness the fire didn't spread! You were too close for comfort! I'm glad you're okay.

    Your Misfits look great as usual. I can imagine it is a job preparing them all in one go. Rest up this weekend and feel better!

  10. Yes, it's a couple of hours including cleanup! But it's best to have fresh food. If I waited, it would wilt. And it's only once every two weeks.

  11. Oh my, good thing you missed all that excitement. That was definitely too close for comfort. It's a wonder one of the neighbours wasn't banging on your door to make sure you were safe.

  12. You missed some excitement that, thankfully, was contained.

    I just saw to day that a new Shetland series is coming to Britbox next week. I don't know whether they'll drop the whole series or do it one episode per week. I expect single episodes.

    Happy belated, Diwali btw.

  13. Thank you for the heads-up on Shetland. I'll look out for it.
    And thanks for visiting, too.

  14. It may have been a good thing to sleep through that fire. No worries about it on your part. Too bad though.


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