Monday, November 22, 2021

Today we are in the teens

Happy blogiversary to us! Field and Fen is thirteen years old today.

Many changes in those years of writing and taking pictures and getting support from faithful blogistas through some hard times as well as joyful ones.

Thank you all, particularly the early adopters who are, amazingly, still checking in and adding your opinions and voices to what is really our, rather than my, blog.

You're more dear to me than you can know. This blog has been a kind of running commentary on the ragbag of my mind and doings. My frequent appeals to you for advice and co-conspiracy have never gone unheard. 

Anyone who thinks this sort of communication isn't real friendship should stick around and read what my readers have to say.

I wonder if this link will work to send you back to those olden days. Android phones and tablets are link challenged. As are their owners.

First blog post

I hope so, because you'll see the baby mourning doves which hatched on my front porch , much to  the entertainment of local kids. I expect the ones we're seeing now are their descendants, the birds, not the kids.

We'll see. If not, and that post does exist, no matter what blogger might say, November 22 2008.

Meanwhile cheers, cake!!


  1. Happy Blogoversary! Wishing you many, many more!

  2. Your blog is always filled with interesting and lovely things. Have a happy!

  3. Thanks for your blog and your kind interest. I hope you enjoy many more years.

  4. Happy thirteenth!

    Yep, link didn't work for me (on a PC) - but fortunately I know how to use your archive. :-)

    "this blog will be a great mixture of nature observations, knitting progress, fine art creation and exhibiting, notes on the humans around this household, pet stuff, in other words, just fun as it comes!" You're living up to your promise!

    Chris from Boise

  5. Don't know if this link will work....

    Will be back later to do my usual 'batch' of commenting!

  6. Thank you for trying to link! And for quoting from the first post.

    I'm either delivering on my campaign promise, or I'm stuck in a rut!

  7. Happy blogoversary, dear lady! You mean so much to so many of us.

  8. Thank you. I'll reread that kind comment on days when I feel adrift.

  9. I cycled thru a number of sets of commenters. A few have hung around for quite a one time. Most of the early groups are no longer blogging, but I havre kept in loose touch with a few. Some have passed on.

  10. Happy Blog-versary - thirteen years of entertainment for your readers. So glad I 'met' you (even though my meeting came through your sister).

  11. Just realized that what I said in my previous comment sounded as though I was blaming your sister for something and that's not the way I meant it!! Of course I pushed the 'publish' button a split second before I realized my wording wasn't the best!

  12. A very Happy Blog Anniversary to you! Thank you for being here and for being a friend. Your friendship means a lot. I love reading about all you do and especially your amazing creativity!

  13. Too funny, Mary Anne! Like a grievance --'and another thing your sister went and did..'

    Bonnie, I really appreciate your participation always on!

  14. Happy Blogversary!
    Thank you for all the tips, inspiration, laughs, smiles, learning! Onto the next 13!

  15. Yes, happy blogiversary. I've only recently made my way here but glad I did. I'll have my 13th in January though I think very few of my early readers are still around.

  16. Heavens, there are some of us who have been around the blogosphere for ages! Whatever do we still find to write about.
    Happy anniversary and many more of them.

  17. Thank you. I guess life keeps happening and we keep thinking of things.

  18. Well I found it eventually - dolls pigeons and flowers.

  19. That pretty much sums up a lot around here!


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