Friday, November 26, 2021

Resting Friday

Around here shopping isn't a thing, so the aftermath of Thanksgiving is about remembering to support the local food bank, enjoying lovely sandwiches of turkey, cranberry sauce and stuffing, and loafing.

Which includes watching Lucy Worsley on YouTube doing great historical dox complete with dressing up, when she's not wearing her own great gladrags.

I love her coats and jackets. Being tall and very slender, she looks great in anything, but here's a design feature I absolutely will swipe next chance I get. I'm already figuring out how to do these pleats.

And here's the perfect jacket length for her

Back to the feasting part, I set up music in the background, my favorite period. 

Lovely peaceful music, written at another time of plagues and unrest and population movement, same reason I watch Lucy, a sense of proportion and the reality of history.

Before he left, Handsome Son did a big favor, brought down what I grandly think of as my entertainment center. 

It's been up in the spare bedroom, but I don't tend to go up there in cold weather.  So it's now next to the fireplace, where I'll watch DVDs over the winter. 

The VCR slot works, and the DVD player is a Freecycle score. I had two, gave one away.  Tv probably 30 years old, very cutting edge at the time.  Works for me.

So this was us yesterday, late afternoon.


  1. Another time of plague and unrest -- powerful words that put my life right now in perspective.

  2. Here too. Came home stuffed and watched part 1 of the new documentary 'Get Back' by Peter Jackson on Disney+ on the making of the last Beatles studio album Let It Be.

  3. I enjoy Renaissance music from time to time too. The recorder was KING in those days! And I could go for a yummy "Thanksgiving sandwich" right about now too.

  4. I am with you on turkey sandwiches, but I'll skip the cranberry and add mayo. We see Lucy Worsley here and there from time to time.

  5. Sounds like a pretty perfect post-Thanksgiving. Somehow I've been busy but plan to take it easy for the rest of the day. Tonight's supper will be plates of lovely leftovers. I am very much looking forward to that!

  6. I think Thanksgiving foods are a great combo, colors, texture, sharp cranberries (in NJ where we grow them, you have to have them!) sweet potatoes, sagey stuffing, every forkful a different arrangement, just lovely. The good part about hosting is having the leftovers at your house. Except for what goes home with the guests.

  7. I always enjoy Lucy Worsley. No leftovers but several things prepared ahead of time, so no cooking today.

  8. It sounds like you and Handsome Son had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I love the holiday but it does wear a person out doing all that cooking. I've had a day of rest today too and thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope you have a good weekend!

  9. I love to watch Dr Lucy in all of her programs. I learn so much about my ancestors lives!

  10. Sounds like you had a pretty perfect day and lying about in a sloth-like position is definitely part of the whole. That, and the joy of pondering leftovers for the next day (or more!)


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