Monday, November 8, 2021

Catching the Fall sun and other things

I've extended my walks to take in more of the area around the development, and with the fall of the leaves, you can see more.

This idyllic scene of trees reflected in quiet water is in fact a flood avoidance scheme. It's the retention pond on the golf course. But beautiful anyway.

And later, a sudden burst of red evening sky lighting up the trees.

Today was good for roasting vegetables, 

here fingerlings, spinach, onions, then at the end an egg broken over to cook in the heat remaining after the oven's off.

Cold enough to wear my mitered square  jacket of many colors. I finished it in spring when the weather was already warming up. 

I'm really glad I made it, cosy and cheerful, with big pockets.


  1. No lovely landscapes around here as my little neighborhood is surrounded by corn and cotton fields and pastures with the occasional wild tangle of trees and brush between property lines. Your jacket looks great.

  2. Your jacket adds a bright spot of colour to a November day!

  3. I might wear it out walking in deer hunting season. Hunters are pretty good about observing the right territory, but once in a while you get someone who doesn't know the neighborhood. It's bright enough in trees.

  4. The sweater looks great and cozy. Enjoy!

  5. Your pretty, sturdy jacket suits you well. I'm glad you made it too!

  6. Beautiful all of it including your jacket.

  7. You have some lovely Fall colors and I agree, the pond is beautiful. The jacket of many colors you made looks wonderful and nice and warm for the season!

  8. Lovely place you have to walk. We don't have that here - corn and cotton fields dominate the landscape. I like your jacket.

  9. That retention pond and surroundings are lovely at this time of year. So glad you're getting good use for that jacket of many colors. It really pops!

    Chris from Boise

  10. Your jacket is perfect for this weather and as you say, perhaps a wise idea to wear it if you're out in deer season. Some people are just simply too trigger happy.


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