Thursday, November 11, 2021

Vegtravaganza and red crest lichen

Roast vegetables on a sheet pan are my go-to at the moment.

Today baby bellas, fingerlings, onions, broccoli, celery. Old Bay seasoning, sprigs of Thai basil, tarragon.  425°f twenty minutes, turn them over, another 20 minutes.

Three meals.  

Cool sunny weather, and one of my favorite sights, before it vanishes for the winter

See the tiny red flowers on grey green foliage? There's a big colony of this red crest lichen on top of my old gate. Earlier in the year there are crowds of the red flowers or whatever they are. I love the miniature world of lichen, and here are proofs that other people do, too

I follow a couple of lichen accounts on Twitter, a pretty niche interest, i think you'll agree.

The only issue is that mostly it's a world of scholars talking in lichenese, many terms I haven't got yet. But I love how they crawl around under logs and over rocks and up trees studying this world, and uploading great photos.  

I'm amused when people who've never ventured into Twitter talk about the dark side of it as if that's all it is. We who follow lichen, birding in the Orkneys, medieval manuscripts, animal sanctuaries, artists, writers,  select political news, and a few quirky folk, never encounter any of that. We do get a lot of value from it, though.

I'll miss my personal lichen colony when,  eventually the wood fences and gates are replaced with composition material.

But there are plenty of lichens and fungi in this damp, tree-rich region, so I won't run out.


  1. I like roast veggies too. I should make a pan soon.

  2. I too am a lichenophile, though not a Twitterphile (so much to read, so little time...). Thanks for the brief intro to the latter's delightful side. Here we have the kind of lichen that clings flatly to rocks and sagebrush trunks - dramatic in their own way, but not as charming as your red crests (which I grew up calling British soldiers, as the Golden Guide references).

    Ah, roasted vegetables. Here, too, we need to roast a panful now that it's full-on damp (yay!) dark (boo!) November. We like to drizzle a tahini-yogurt-garlic-lemon juice sauce over after roasting. I predict This Will Happen this weekend.

    Chris from Boise

  3. Our fungi was overwhelming this year!!

  4. That dressing idea for the roasted vegetables is great. Thanks. And yes, Twitter has many houses.

    About Twitter: one of my old online friends on another website, recently insisted that she couldn't be on Twitter because she didn't have a smartphone. After a confusing conversation we guessed she'd got texting and tweeting confused. She was amazed to find if she wanted to tweet she could do it right there on the laptop she was already on. But she insisted that anything she said Trump would answer! At that point I decided life was too short and left it.

  5. Your veggies look divine! My favorite roasted veg is carrot...Have not made that in awhile.

  6. The veggies look wonderful! Roasting vegetables are my favorite way to serve them. Sometimes we have them over rice for a complete meal.

    I've always thought lichens were interesting too. A nature walk through a wooded area nearby will show an amazing variety of lichens. I've never photographed them and now I realize I should.

  7. Definitely take pictures. Lichen are endlessly interesting.
    Yes, I like the veggies over rice or couscous, too.
    I get the impression that there's going to be roasting iin several kitchens this weekend.

  8. Roasted vegetables are our go-to meals these days as well. We love them.

    My first year teaching science, I always did field trips with the kids to explore nature and collect samples. There were lots of British Redcoats and I never see them without thinking of those days! Thanks for the smile this morning!

  9. I, too, love lichen but not to the degree that I actually look for it. I just delight in it when I see it.

  10. Well, I just learned something once again....who knew that there were sites devoted to lichen. I've come across several people recently who are heavily into photographing mushrooms and have seen some really beautiful examples they've shared. I obviously am going to have to pay more attention to such things!

  11. Once you start looking you find yourself taking pictures, drawing and painting them, researching them..look out!


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