Sunday, November 14, 2021

ANZAC biscuits for Remembrance Sunday and other stuff

This is partly my subconscious at work. Yesterday I had a sudden urge to bake ANZAC biscuits, ANZAC being Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Did so

Then today realized it's Remembrance Sunday, poppy wearing in some places ss a remembrance of the poppies flourishing in the battlefields of World War I, as a result of the upheaval and deaths on the land, a grim fertilizer.

Today remembers everyone, all wars, including the brave Australian and New Zealand soldiers who crossed the planet to fight at Gallipoli. These biscuits are based in the recipe devised by women to send to them from home, sturdy enough to survive the journey and still be edible. I'm honoring them all in a small way.  And this includes Veterans Day, it's all related 

And while I was baking in international mode, I made a loaf of Irish soda bread. Why not.

And, after watching and  doing screenshots and editing and all that that entails, as the BBC used to intone, a wonderful presentation about the textile treasures in the Tudor court, for another post, this seemed like a good idea


  1. That was a great way to commemorate ANZAC day!

  2. That's another day on the calendar, but I did make them that day, too.

  3. There's something fishy about that mouse's bathtub!

  4. Raisins and oats and and what looks like sugar or honey, are you sure they are biscuits and not cookies?

  5. In American terms they're cookies. But they're known as biscuits to honor their origin where cookies are called biscuits.

  6. Isn't Maggie Rudy's work lovely? I really admire the facial expressions and physical posesof her mice.

  7. There are lots of goodies out of your oven today. I bet your kitchen smells wonderful!

    I love those mice. I can get lost in her website.

  8. Good old ANZAC biscuits are very popular over here all year 'round. Easy to make but equally easy to pick up at the supermarket. Thank you for your post in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice made by those Kiwis and Aussies so many years ago.

  9. Dear Marrianne, do glad to see you in here. Ues, I'm particularly moved by the Australian and New Zealand troops,so far from home and their familiar landscape.

    Are you doing well? Getting used to your new normal, ss far as that's possible? I think of you often.

  10. I wonder if stevia or monkfruit would work in those biscuits??? and that mouse is adorable!

  11. I don't know about those substitutions, but worth a try.

  12. I had to google ANZAC biscuits. A bit like oatmeal cookies but not really.
    You've reminded me that I haven't made Irish soda bread in a long time.

  13. I had to do substitutions, molasses and honey for golden syrup, extra oatmeal to replace the coconut I don't like, wholewheat flour for ap, didn't have any. Still worked.

  14. Now I must do a search to find a recipe for those biscuits. I find it intriguing that there's so many different names - Anzac, Armistice Day, Remembrance Day, Veteran's Day - and that they're not all on the same day. In Canada it's Remembrance Day and it's Nov. 11...the llth hour, of the llth day, of the llth month.


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