Sunday, November 28, 2021

A jar of sunshine

Yesterday, power of concentration and focus not working well, anxiety about various household things, I made apricot sauce for the Christmas ham.

Simple recipe, sugar and water, dried apricots simmered till tender, blended smooth, dash of vanilla, done. 

And really good, not very sweet, nice to oppose the saltiness of ham. Also the lovely golden color contrasts with the color of ham. In the freezer now. 

It's the first day of Hanukah, enjoy if you observe it. Long ago my son came home from nursery school singing the dreidel song, and with a little dreidel. I wasn't sure if it was a religious item not for casual handling, so I took it from him until I could ask a friend. 

She said what sort of mom are you? It's a TOY, give it back to him right now!  So my education was improved and he went on to adapt the dreidel song to all kinds of contexts. One time he was making worms from clay, singing oh flatworm, flatworm, flatworm, I made it out of clay..

So that's us today. Happy Sunday, beginning of Advent, too, if you celebrate it.


  1. Speaking of worms, that Dreidel Song is a real EAR worm!

  2. I like to note the Sundays of Advent, but posted the wrong thing last Sunday and forgto all about it for this one. Thanks for the reminder. Will do better next week. I hope. It sounds like you're preparing for a lovely Christmas.

  3. I don't do any religious holidays. Nurturing the earth is enough for me.

  4. Getting stuff done ahead is always good. I hope the home repairs aren't terrible, they can definitely put a dent in your pocket. I'll now think of you and son when my dreidel comes out.

  5. Good to know about Hanukah. There is someone to whom I should send wishes. I have never paid attention to Advent although I have to Christmas.

  6. What a great idea for the apricot sauce to have with ham. It must be delicious.

  7. Yes, the dreidel song never leaves you! E, I'm glad we'll come to mind during your observance, that's fun.
    I don't really observe Advent, but friends now long gone would send advent calendars, via mail and email. So they reminded me about it.

    I really just made the apricot sauce so as to use the fruit in good time, but it's nice to have it made. I always make some interesting sauce with ham, and this is a first.

  8. That will be a lovely sauce for the ham.

  9. I hope Handsome Son likes it. He loves ham, so there's a good chance.

  10. Sounds like a delicious sauce to have with ham.

  11. mmmm - I never would have thought of apricot sauce for ham but I can almost taste it so I know it will be good.


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