Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Vaxxed to the hilt

The booster is done, Rubicon crossed, die is cast, I made soup yesterday and this morning baked a batch of raisin muffins. This is in case I have a reaction like last time, I'll have food ready. 

The biopsy site on my face is tiny, seemingly not complicated, so I went ahead with the booster. In case the results of the biopsy indicate more work, better be fully vaxxed, before being in any new medical surroundings.

That's enough medical bulletins for now.

I have a very nice textile program to share but not a lot of energy just now, later maybe.

So meanwhile, here's a lovely Maggie Rudy diorama of fuzzy bear caterpillar pets and their mice.


  1. We are only four months post second shot. Our daughter, a nurse has a appointment for the booster though. It is a slower roll out here. Glad you got the shot already.

  2. If you do have a severe reaction as I did- take heart. It's not agonizing and will almost entirely be over by Friday. Just sleep, sleep, sleep!

  3. I need to get my butt down for my booster.

  4. Congratulations - it'll be worth it. Now I need to get mine scheduled, thanks to your and Ms. Moon's encouragement.

    Chris from Boise

    PS Thanks for Maggie Rudy photo!

  5. Well, up to now, sore arm. Every shot has felt as if the wrong end of the needle was going in. Three different tech/nurses, same owie. But worth it.

    Very tired but nothing worse up to now. I'll take it. I'll catch up later.

  6. I have always loved fuzzy bear caterpillars ever since I was a little girl!

  7. When I had my booster I felt horrible that afternoon and night but was better within a day. You are smart to get yours and be done with it. I do feel safer having had it. I hope you have little to no side effects.

    I love that Maggie Rudy diorama, it is adorable!

  8. Such a sweet diorama! Fingers firmly crossed once again for a minimal reaction to the shot.


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