Sunday, November 7, 2021

It's been a week

What with vaxxing and biopsying, and firing and clock changing and chirping.. 

So, the evening of Diwali, i heard slight chirping, figured it was the downstairs smoke alarm. Next morning, all my helpers being unavailable, I climbed up myself, and changed the battery. 

Next day more chirping, sounded like the loft. So I hauled the steps up two flights, climbed up and changed the battery. At this point, knowing about the fire, I thought maybe residual smoke drifting in.

Last night more chirping, so I hauled the steps down one flight, climbed up and changed the second floor battery.


So I went around listening and checking. And found it was the CO detector.  Same manufacturer, same chirp. Second floor.

Changed the batteries. Chirp went high decibel. Removed one battery. Now a steady shriek. Removed other battery, muted chirping. Needs a shopping trip to replace it.

The good thing is that all my smoke alarms have new batteries. Probably didn't need them in fact. And I will have a new co detector.

My nerves may need a reset. 

I'm sitting watching birds flittering in and out of the old trees across the way.


  1. These alarms are such a good thing but how annoying they can be! Good job, woman!

  2. Oh-oh, the Debra needs batteries..
    I guess all alarms attended to is the appliance equivalent of fully vaxxed.

  3. Isn't that chirping the most aggravating thing! I'm glad we have them and I appreciate the safety aspect but geez! I love your remark that you now have the appliance equivalent of being fully vaxxed!

  4. I believe the chirps are researched to go off at the hardest interval to ignore. They definitely work.

  5. I hate smoke detectors and in fact have removed the two I had. Everything and nothing sets them off. I know, living dangerously. I did not get rid of the CO2 detector though.

  6. What annoys me is when that chirping starts in the middle of the night when I'm trying my best to sleep. We don't have a carbon monoxide detector now but the smoke alarm has an annoying habit of deciding that it simply cannot wait for the scheduled battery replacement the building does twice a year.

  7. Annoying detectors but so important.

  8. Sorry you were annoyed but at least they work. Mine did not...

  9. It's carbon monoxide. Not dioxide. Still annoying anyway. My smoke alarms usually go off for toast!

    Yes, they usually start up after midnight. The Co detector is vital Maryanne, don't your laws require them in apartments? Ours do. For the condo and the townhouse we have to keep them updated. Rented buildings are officially inspected and tested at set intervals.

    All these alarms are important but they're nerve wracking too.

  10. We have electric heat so don't need a carbon monoxide detector...but we do have a smoke detector, so no worries.


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