Friday, November 12, 2021

Cleaners here, so an expedition is called for

 This is where I am this morning, the local library

And in the library gallery, here's the local artists' first group show since the pandemic shut down the venue

And I selected my favorites to show you

Here's Nelly Kouzmina, physicist turned feltmaker, working in nuno felt. She teaches and demonstrates nuno on silk,  too,  and it was from talking to her that i found out about it. She makes hats and clothing as well as framed pieces.

Old friend Elaine Rosenberg, with a collage, one of her favorite forms

Art Lee with a piece about 9.11 he created around 9.11 2021. Art is wildly creative, wears clothes like this and occasionally incorporates a shirt from his wardrobe into a current artwork.

I haven't met this painter, Stephanie Ding, since I haven't been active with the group for a while. I still follow their work, though, and, with this quality, clearly it's in good hands.

Everyone worked around the theme of emerging, after rain,  disaster, fear,  many ways of seeing.

Fine art is alive and well in Plainsboro. Aren't we all. And the gallery, my personal pride and joy, still flourishes. I count it as one of my best works!


  1. So lovely to showcase local art and artists!

  2. Don't apologize for making suggestions. I do too, sometimes on Flickr, although I usually try to avoid it.

  3. You have a beautiful library and I love how they regularly show local artists.

  4. Yay for art and galleries! It is fascinating to see how artists are responding to the pandemic.

  5. Very nice. I wish our library would do something like that.

  6. The gallery, in fact all the art activity of this library is the result of years of dedicated pushing by me. Maybe somebody needs to get behind and push your library?

  7. It occurs to me that blogistas might like to know more about how we came to this point in the art life of the library? Let me know if so.

  8. How nice to have a little gallery in the library and that it's active again. How often does the exhibit change?

  9. The standard gallery show length around here is one month. It's a very nice space to hang in, good light. Clearly visible as you come in and open at both ends so people can pass through.

  10. Libraries are, in my opinion, the epitome of civilization.

  11. Our local art gallery has a room in our library where they put on shows but haven't heard of them doing anything since covid hit. Not to say they haven't, but there hasn't been any evidence in the media. The library itself was closed to the public for many months (with the exception of being able to place books on hold and pick them up in a controlled manner) so I imagine the gallery has been as well.

  12. This is the first group show since shutdown in March 2020. Exhibits im the region are starting up with heavy precautions on place, such as virtual openings.


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