Thursday, May 28, 2020

Sage in bloom

Look at those flowers. I must study the botany of sage.


  1. I don't think my sage has ever bloomed. After seeing yours, I hope it does soon!

    1. Mine bloom every couple of years. I don't know what governs the flowering. The flowers are like antirrhinum, and I believe they're as good to eat as the leaves. But I just like to see them.

  2. that's a pretty one. I have red and black&blue. the black&blue is pretty invasive.

    1. This is my herbal sage. The salvia family is huge, many flowers many colors.

  3. Russian sage is a beautiful plant. Thank you for the reminder. I almost bought catnip for the purple flowers. My regular herb sage has never bloomed.

    1. My Russian sage, grown out front, which goes to about six feet, is a summer bloomer, the buds just now appearing. When it's in bloom, the herbal sage flowering you see here, will be done. I don't use the Russian sage for flavoring, though it scents half the street when it gets going.

  4. So nice to see that all the goings on in the world doesn't affect the flowers and the joy they bring. Too bad more people wouldn't spend more time looking at flowers.


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